The Photography Thread


Aspiring Novelist
Nice night shot...

Beautiful red rose.

Last two are good esp. the last one. Great...


just some.......



In the zone
@prabhu Nice concept... I am no expert in this type of pic, but There should have been some more light.

@all guys
Its been 160 pages worth of photographic discussion and the journey is never ending. I need your suggestion to make it more productive. Collective we all active members can put some learner's material all out of our experience. As there are many new members who may be interested (including me :) ) in this.

I will start off with a simple idea..
why don't we start with a parallel tutorials. Starting from basics we can put pictorial explanation ..starting from basics to say how vimal is taking such b'ful shots :).
I will certainly love to read what vimal has to write about portrait and macro.
Similarly, all other members have their part of expertise.
Just one tutorial a week. Even with four active member it converts to one week load for each member.

Learner's (like me with little experience on manual Cam) can be tasked to explore and share basics like shutter, aperture and seniors giving their comments.
Seniors sharing their advance skills and we juniors trying to test that.

But that's one format in my mind, for a collective effort your suggestions are needed.
Let's see what you all have to say.


Grand Master
Problem is that there r very less toofan, stuge maybe kapil, medico can put some more info but thats not enough to make that idea a reality

Its easier to discuss an Idea in a separate suppose u want to learn how to take nice macros like toofan...start a saperate thread for Macro photography..put up some macro pics u can take.. ask others for comments and suggestion...follow the suggestions... put more pics and so on...others can also participate

what I am saying that its just not possible to acquire gears what others have to get that result ...but its much easier to use the current gears and improve the results :)


RoCk N' RoLL
Thanks :) @animesh, nac, kapil!

@animesh 1st of all THANKS to you for starting this wonderful thread a long time ago.. it has really been great being a part of this thread, learning and sharing our experiences about photography and many of us(including me), started our journey in photography with inspiration and encouragement from our great senior members!

It's a good idea but i completely agree with what sujoyp said.. but if you want we can have a thread where one can discuss about any type of photography and discuss/share the techniques one uses or can use for shooting, processing/editing etc... or share some new experimental shots and techniques someone tries.. Just a suggestion. :)

Few more shots from yesterday..

Pink Rose by Jaggy89, on Flickr

The Last Few.. Aloe Vera Flowers by Jaggy89, on Flickr

Rose Bud by Jaggy89, on Flickr


In the zone
I agree with both of you. Since this section (Camera and camcorder) is already focused on hardware, how about asking the admin to re-organize it to have sub-sections for

> Displaying your work.
> Tips section.
> Post processing
> Buying/Trade Advice.

@sujyop.. I like your idea abt starting seperate thread for macro (or any other) and getting feedback from others. I suggest if we better have single thread for macro and all learners post their work for feedback in a single thread... In this way any lurker will get all he needs at one place.

@jagg #2 is great. What lens are you using? Please share exif for #2.


RoCk N' RoLL
^Thanks! My cam is a P&S Panasonic Lumix FZ-35.. Open the pic in flickr to check the Exif.

It would be great if it can be categorized like that!
Last edited:


Grand Master
Jagg those pics r nice...loved the 1st one...BTW did u increased the saturation in 3rd looks just too saturated..but still liked it.

Animesh the photography enthusiast r too less in this forum..maybe 10-15 max...I dont think mods will start a complete section and subsection for that...but yes we can at least make those thread sticky soo that it dont get lost :)

can a mod comment and give some ideas please...krishnendu sarkar is the Mod of photography section I think


RoCk N' RoLL
@sujoyp Thanks! I did increased some saturation but not that much, it mayb due to monitor difference as i processed these shots on my laptop..


@INS-ANI and Sujoy: nice idea to make subsections or categories :)
@Jagg: wow nice flowers, first two are looking beautiful.

Here is last post from me before leaving Pune again :(

Sunset at Miramar Beach by digitman2006, on Flickr

and some flowers :

DSC_8899 by digitman2006, on Flickr

flowers by digitman2006, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Nice idea. It's good if mods open sub section. But it's highly doubtful cause here we don't have many active members.

But I have a suggestion. Any one of us open a thread (eg: Photography tutorial), and block first few posts. (This has to be done by the thread starter. He has to be quick and block first 5-10 posts. Just block with content like Photo1, Photo2, Photo3...) This blocked post can be used to make index to tutorials which will be scattered across the whole thread. Name each blocked post has a separate title like Macro Photography, Landscape Photography, Portrait, Night, etc... and first post as an Introduction to this thread. Wait for a week, we may get some more ideas, suggestions...

First one looks so good and made me to think like the other two photos are taken with some other camera. No offense meant buddy... Your first one looks that good. I like the orange flower, so vibrant.

I like the last one, rose.


Grand Master
Just tried playing with light and darkness :D

Pop singer


Grand Master
Thanks jagg



Grand Master
some more bird shot :)



Panorama shot of a lake at night :)

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