The Photography Thread


RoCk N' RoLL
WOW!! Awesome Artwork by everyone!! i am really missing photography these days not getting much time n nothing to shoot here :(.. But you guys make my day with your beautiful shots :)


Kapil: image posted on post no. 3799 is best of lot. very lovely shot. You could crop it 1 inch from bottom.
This HDR is over saturated. Always remember HDR mostly will have some boosted colors so decrease the saturation a bit.

Abhinav: the jaisalmer cityscape is Excellent take. There is some tilt in that, which is giving a strange feeling. some restless.


Kapil: image posted on post no. 3799 is best of lot. very lovely shot. You could crop it 1 inch from bottom.
This HDR is over saturated. Always remember HDR mostly will have some boosted colors so decrease the saturation a bit.

Abhinav: the jaisalmer cityscape is Excellent take. There is some tilt in that, which is giving a strange feeling. some restless.
yeah ,I know about the tilt towards right ,but left it .


Living to Succeed
Kjuwale: thanks. Use of a Diffused flash. Sometime off the camera. and I shoot macros in Vivid colour mode. White balance and exposure also helps.

Abhinav: Very beautiful sky you captured but I guess if there would be any other point of interest in the image it would have looked more stronger. But for cloud pattern its a very good image with lovely colours in sky.

Hi Toofan,
What do you mean by VIVID color mode.


there are different colours modes to shoot the images in every DSLR and P&S. I choose Vivid colours for shooting macros. Standard for landscapes and Portrait or Neutral for Portraits.
In nikon its under
Menu=>shooting menu=>Set Picture control.

its the same by which you shoot black and white in your camera.


Some of my Initial macro shots. Remembering the days I started my macro journey.

1. My first macro shot. For this I used the Tripod and it took around 15min to take the first shot.




Grand Master
@toofan...your pics are really beautiful..nice...

I just got hold of a visitor...a Mother housefly...3 times bigger then normal fly:grin:

pic can be used for biology purpose:))



Living to Succeed
Navy Pier by ajayashish, on Flickr

Live Performance at Navy Pier by ajayashish, on Flickr

Live Performance at Navy Pier by ajayashish, on Flickr

IMG_1890 by ajayashish, on Flickr

A street Magician by ajayashish, on Flickr

A street Magician by ajayashish, on Flickr

Lamp by ajayashish, on Flickr


Jaisalmer fort at night


4 images blended
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Living to Succeed
@kjuvale Thanks... that last one is my fav too... and it was my first shot with the new 50mm i bought

@Stuge.. Nice shot... but the lights at the bottom is disturbing


@Stuge: nice shot
@ajayashish: are you sure last shot is with 50mm prime, Exif data is showing that you have used EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS, thats strange :lol:


Rapid Flow


Note :It might look tilted ,but its not
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