The Photography Thread


In the zone

1. Nowadays almost a cliche, but still you did a good job there.
2. Now THIS is superb!!!! This is awesome! This is how flower abstracts should be! Very good job!
3. Nice. How do you get such sky? :| The weather god really favours you it seems.
4. No comments. Nothing in it.
5. Same as 4
6. "Ok" pic.
7. No that is a rare macro you got there. Although focus is not exactly sharp. But still its nice!


Sujoy: Lovely details in eyes. Excellent work. Keep going. Try to buy a cheap flash. These sells a lot at jjmehta buy and sell section.

Power: 1st is an excellently captured shot and best from the series for me. Clean and sharp.
Loved the last one also. A difficult moment to capture.

Some Macros posting for C&C. Thanks.





_DSC8751 by toofan.v, on Flickr


Grand Master
Thanks toofan...
toofan I am still confused to wait and buy TTL or get a cheap flash and learn to use it...please suggest in terms of macro

4th one is looking the best of the lot:)


Thanks sujoy.

Both have its own advantages. If you wish to buy only one flash then its better to buy a TTL flash as it can be used easily and very fast, and for every purpose a flash is used.

But if you want flash only for macros then buying a Rs 800 flash, i.e. vivitar 3200. will do the job. as it doesn't require high power. Its efficiency depends upon the diffuser you use.


Grand Master
Thanks sujoy.

Both have its own advantages. If you wish to buy only one flash then its better to buy a TTL flash as it can be used easily and very fast, and for every purpose a flash is used.

But if you want flash only for macros then buying a Rs 800 flash, i.e. vivitar 3200. will do the job. as it doesn't require high power. Its efficiency depends upon the diffuser you use.

I can control the flash power by ur rosogulla dabba idea;-)
for TTL I have to wait 2 more months...normal one I can buy now....will have to think about it:)


Eager to learn.

1. Nowadays almost a cliche, but still you did a good job there.
2. Now THIS is superb!!!! This is awesome! This is how flower abstracts should be! Very good job!
3. Nice. How do you get such sky? :| The weather god really favours you it seems.
4. No comments. Nothing in it.
5. Same as 4
6. "Ok" pic.
7. No that is a rare macro you got there. Although focus is not exactly sharp. But still its nice!

Thanks a lot for your encouraging words.
The sky that day was really very reddish but I've also saturated the colors a bit.

Power: 1st is an excellently captured shot and best from the series for me. Clean and sharp.
Loved the last one also. A difficult moment to capture.

Some Macros posting for C&C. Thanks.





_DSC8751 by toofan.v, on Flickr

Your macros are awesome !


@Toofan: amazing pics, just unbelievable. I saw your pics on Flickr, they are very nice.
How do you get so nice lighting on all photos :)


Kjuwale: thanks. Use of a Diffused flash. Sometime off the camera. and I shoot macros in Vivid colour mode. White balance and exposure also helps.

Abhinav: Very beautiful sky you captured but I guess if there would be any other point of interest in the image it would have looked more stronger. But for cloud pattern its a very good image with lovely colours in sky.


@ Toofan thanks for info.

1. *
Bonn Sunset by digitman2006, on Flickr

2. *
Bonn sunset HDR by digitman2006, on Flickr


@Kjuvale :I liked the 1st picture :).

HDR and landscaping is something I run away .Sorry , I cant appreciate it .

Artwork of Nature II


@toofan : that's the purpose to capture artwork of nature ,clouds etc .Love shooting clouds .


@ krishnandu, Sujoy and Stuge : thanks

@Stuge : ya i wasnt thinking first to make HDR of sunset, but then jus wanted to try it to bring the ship in front in exposure and get sunset also not overexposed. here is normal image without HDR without ship though :smile:

Bonn Sunset by digitman2006, on Flickr


thanks guys

overlooking jaisalmer city and fort

@kjuvale that one is better .
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