The Photography Thread


Grand Master



just tried my hands on product photography..:mrgreen:


Grand Master
Actually I tried selective lightning...I used 2 light sources to brighten the subject and removing the shadow...

You can see in doll pic that there is no shadow on the face...I didnt use flash in darkness soo there is some noise in dark areas


Staff member
^^Mr macchar looks great. What did you use for 2 light sources ?

Spot the dragonfly



Kingfisher (will take pics of Sukhoi 30 MKI soon with tricolor paint)

Loneliness and apocalypse


Grand Master
@faun ur bulbul and clouds look great:smile:...umm dragonfly :|

Didnt get too many keepers today...This one look the best...its not cropped nor did any editing


In the zone
Really nice images Faun and sujoyp.

@ Faun: I am having camera envy of your D7000 :razz:

@ Sujoy: How far do you need to get to the subject to achieve such macro's?


Grand Master
@Sounava about 10 inches with flash...I have been suggested by toofan to increase the iso to compensate the flash but its just not possible

I am using half of the ET length coz when using full the flash creates a shadow on the object itself


In the zone
^ Thanks. Looking forward to go for this setup next month. :)
Was initially thinking of going for the Sigma 70-300 (as money is short :razz:) but I think will go for this 50mm 1.8 + ET combo now and will buy 55-200 when I get some more cash at hand. Lets see.


Democracy is a myth

Why did u not go more close to the butterfly. For such photos, u need two subjects only, the flower bud (not the whole plant) and the butterfly.

The photo u took came really good, but a more close would have exposed the colors really well.

U r taking some good photos, keep it up.


Staff member
Why did u not go more close to the butterfly. For such photos, u need two subjects only, the flower bud (not the whole plant) and the butterfly.

The photo u took came really good, but a more close would have exposed the colors really well.

U r taking some good photos, keep it up.

I do realize that it would have been better if I were closer to the subject.But the butterfly was kind of frisky. Thanks for the valuable suggestion :smile:

I do cropping with one size, all fit. Need to learn more about editing the files.

Here is the cropped version with focus on two subjects. Is it good ? Imperfections tend to become more visible on more closeup, see the dirt on butterfly wing.

Really nice images Faun and sujoyp.

@ Faun: I am having camera envy of your D7000 :razz:

I get equally crap pics too. The camera holder's skills matter the most. And a little creativity :)


Chillum Baba
With ETs + 50mm reversed, Toofan is getting some awesome results. I'll be trying the same in the near future.

Street - A series

Took these from a glass window at best possible angle.

Shutter: Approx 30 secs to 1 min
Aperture : F20
ISO: 100

Tripod + remote trigger





In the zone
@ Faun - Nice picture. If she would have turned another 20 degree towards the camera it would have been better I think.

@ a_medico - The first among the 3 really caught my eye. Pretty good!


Chillum Baba
^^ With a bit of basic knowledge and the settings as I posted earlier:

Shutter: Approx 30 secs to 1 min
Aperture : F20
ISO: 100
Tripod + remote trigger
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