Always in Dreams...
if u r really serious about your hobby u can go for DSLR
A DSLR is heavy, and u will need special lenses...Its a costly hobby
if its just about taking good quality pics (except low light situations) then even SX130IS will work fine..
In low light situations no one can beat a dslr..
pics r grainy in p&S due to automatic ISO selection...take pics in manual mode and u will get fine pics
Blurring is a human error...when in full zoom a slight movement can get blurry pics...
And please read some book and experiment a lot![]()
One difference I noticed clearly in dSLR and P&S cameras is that when you take a picture that has details for example a village landscape or an old hindu temple (you know how detailed they are
So I am planning to buy dSLR, but will use it like a P&S initially, untill I read books and experiment a lot
Thanks for the valuable suggestions