The Photography Thread


Gaurav: Excellent shot. Nicely done. The vignette has done magic here. But the highlights are little over blown as seen my monitor.(its faulty)

Pranay: Ant shot is a looking very nice. Is the wall color same as seen in image?

Abhinav: Wow shot. capturing the beautiful sky and building at the same time. But I think its lacking a bit of contrast.(again may be because of my faulty monitor).

Sujoy: are you active at JJMehta forum also?

I may get my new TFT today. AOC 2236Vw. Any comments about that monitor. Thanks.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@toofan - Thanks. I too feel a bit of highlights are blown out. Maybe can be recovered but given my expertise in PP, I feel this is a wonderful image for my first attempt. The monitor you're going to purchase seems to have got good reviews.

@stuge - There is a noticeable blue tinge in the dark areas. Was it purposely added?


slightly tiltedtowards right
pranay : I like the trails and ant one :)

@g5:nice and yes ,bluish tinge was added .
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Grand Master
@Stuge...great colors in that pic

@toofan... I am there but not at all active...I just try to understand different comments there...people there r much knowledgeable in this field...

And buy sell section is amazing there...loved it...Is it reliable enough??:)


well ,I never had any experience with jjmetha regarding buying or selling .Its reliable from whatever I heard from people ,but you need to becareful .

otherwise ,forum is pretty dull in my opinion .



just one that I shot when I really did not have time to kill...:) the way ..chitvan, dude ..pls answer...

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@stuge - Very nice landscape shot.

@izziko_rage - Very good timing in the shot. Depicts the tension of an exam going student as times runs fast.


stuge: nice beautiful scenery.

6x6: second shot is nicely composed and looking good.

Izziko: classic take and thinking behind the photograph.


Thanks all for comments. :D

@ toofan The wall colour is a shade lighter than what is seen in the pic, but in the evenings we have a golden light in my ex-college, where I clicked this shot, hence the colour of the wall looks better.

The Winter in Ladakh pic was clicked in winter in Ladakh. The Dog was lying curled up on the side of a road. :D

@ Stuge Nice pics! How did you manage to make those lights to look like stars?

I am moving to Chennai for a year of studies, may not be able to come online often. Will miss this thread and all the great photographers here. All the best to you all.



krow best of luck for your future endeavours.
and comment for that pic already given on your flickr profile :)
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sORRY stuge. Your image didn't uploaded that time. Those comments were for krow.
Nice image. with lot of depth. But the blue haze is not looking good in this image.
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