The Part You Died/Got Frustrated the Most in Any Game

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Vietcong the underground labyrinth, lol I was stuck and the traps were deadly


Aspiring Novelist
God of War- Fight with the three-headed Hydra. I spent days trying to complete that. Then I read Gamespot's guide and realised I was doing it wrong.
Was it with the last Hydra head? I almost gave up on it thinking the DVD was glitched.As no matter what I did the Hydra would just break free when it came to press "O" repeatedly.Later after much research I learnt it was not a glitch & we had to be extremely fast on it.My trick was to keep the controller down at that part & keep pressing the circle button only with my middle finger & that did the trick.:D


Techtree Reviewer
^^ Its the big, daddy hydra, the one who ate the ship captain. One with two small green heads and one big brown head.

Btw I use the same technique for rapid key pressing. I keep the controller in my left hand and with the right index finger jam the O button. Same thing I did in POP:WW in the battles with Shahdee where one has to continue pushing button to throw her away.


Aspiring Novelist
There was this other part in Resident Evil 4 which I remember when I had to solve some puzzle.It was when we assume the role of Ashley & need to open some door by rearranging a puzzle.The darn thing almost made me tear my hair apart.:mad:


Techtree Reviewer
Yeah I know that one. I tried a couple of times, gave up and then used Gamespot's guide. :D

The Conqueror

max payne 1 the stupid maze between each stage it was such a headache :x
For that u can do parental contol (i dont remember exact) it will replace blood with some pipe like lines so that u can walk easily


I am the master of my Fate.
LOK:Soul Reaver 2

the Fire Forge level...when i have 2 ignite a couldron....the room is filled with
blood & has 2 fiy using the air updraft (three) took me abt 35mins 2 cross dat....meanwhile i was giving galis 2 this coz i was failing 2 do so...
...teri maa ki.....(i didnt used the last word...only these words)


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
one time i was playin tomb raider 4 and one of my friend just made Lara to jump in a large pit and as she was fallin down to die, my stupid friend saved the game at that precise moment.i was like :mad: had to play whole level again.

but i really get pissed wen i am killed in a row by stupid computer bots in DOTA.


Aspiring Novelist
Far Cry.Most of it's levels after the aliens start coming are unbearable.I had to use unlimited ammo & weapons cheat for it.:mad:


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE

yep DOTA is wat u said. very interstin game requirin use of ur brain at the right time! try it.


Staff member
Far Cry.Most of it's levels after the aliens start coming are unbearable.I had to use unlimited ammo & weapons cheat for it.:mad:
yeah the chimp pounces were unbearable to the respect of a FPS fan. swipe and chimp gets ur banana. I lost interest at those levels, i was more thinking abt serious sam and his mighty guns to stone the chimps.


Aspiring Novelist
^Oh Yeah! I got frustrated on a lot of points.Mainly due to the lack of ammo & the AI was very tactical for humans as they would just hide between trees & try run away once a grenade was flung towards them.It was very tough at times & the health bar was another concern.Dunno what good the armor was for as it would get depleted within no time.Unlike Crysis which was a bit easier as it had the health renewal system & cloak mode to bypass some unwanted fights,Far Cry seemed very difficulty.:(
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