The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

This guy tricked me as well. I thought he was "dark_Lord" n all that. So I replied in the chit chat section. Only later did I realise that he was preshit. I felt cheated.

Anyway, welcome to the macboy family.

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Thanks :)

Btw, my uncle who works in a BPO is going gaga over the Mac. He's already starting to hate his Dell 1501. Says he'll get an MB when he visits the US next year.

Come on. Its not that I _did not_ tell you. It just didn't come up :p


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I'm starting to notice a trend here. All Mac users seem to have good language skills and post properly punctuated and formatted posts (of course, I shouldn't speak for my own self but I think I'm not too bad either). :)

This is not to imply that others don't share the same skills. It's just that every single Mac user I've seen posting here does so properly, as it is supposed to be done.


I draw every day
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

how long should partitioning a 500 gig hard drive on firewire 800 supposed to take on an average? using disk utility in leopard if you should know. from one mac osx extended to 2 mac osx extended (journaled) . what can I do if its taking unusually long?


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

holy sh!t .... mac family or the "elton john" club :lol:

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Tell me iMav, did that comment make any sense at all ?

You know what ? Nevermind. You don't have to answer that :|


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

im purtty sure that arya and/or goobi will get what i meant :D

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Its not as if I didn't. And even if they do, the comment still won't make any sense whatsoever. Totally unnecessary.


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

That is iMav. Has nothing to say so brings in the gay jokes. What are we in still in school?


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Now, this is looking like an Apple thread. I see little black Apples everywhere. :p

It hardly takes any time at all. My 250GB hard disk gets partitioned in a minute or two. Even less, in fact. There must be something wrong. If you are not afraid of any data loss, go ahead and cancel it, I say.

Though, of course, you must have figured it out by now.

Watched the latest episode of diggnation? Awesome. I loved the second Earth discussion. You can always rely on Alex to bring in the best jokes. :lol:


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Woodsmen. Does the iPhoto library get backed up with Time machine in the wilderness? Cause whenever I do a Time Machine search with the iPhoto window in front, it just pops up a finder window and does the usual routine. Also, I did a spotlight on the backup drive for any one of the pictures, it didn't show up. I haven't updated iphoto though, so maybe that's the problem.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Yes, of course it gets backed up and when you launch Time Machine with iPhoto active, it tags along for the ride.

Are you using iPhoto '06?


Check this out. This advertisement was actually made by a student named Nick Hailey and Apple liked it so much, they paid him for it and turned it (without much change) into the official iPod touch ad.

If you want to check out what he made, you can find it on YouTube.

Cool, isn't it? :)
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left this forum longback
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

^real nice ad.btw wont apple take talented person in ui designing from Lucknow for such ads? ;) :D


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

This, this is friggin' unbelievable. I just restarted Leopard for the first time after installing it a few days ago and it restarted in seventeen seconds. It was unbelievable. I hit restart and almost immediately it shut down, there was the chime and then the login screen. Entered the password, hit return and there was the Desktop. Immediately. Clicked on Safari and it launched in once bounce. Awesome! I don't know what Apple does but they sure know how to write operating systems. Kudos to them! :D

However, there are a few glaring bugs in Leopard which I hope to see fixed in 10.5.1. For instance, Alex has stopped working here. I thought a restart would fix it and it apparently hasn't. I cannot live without Alex though. It is the best new feature of Leopard as far as I am concerned. I have to get this fixed.

Another little flaw is that iChat keeps getting launched automatically. I'd thought this would be fixed in the final release but apparently not. :(

Update: Alex is behaving it(him?)self now. Thank God! :D
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ex3n1us m4x1mus
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I know my machine is new, by mine takes about 15-16 seconds too.


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Nope. iPhoto 08 here. I haven't installed the .1 update though so maybe that's the problem. Address book and Mail work the way they are supposed to. Only iPhoto.

Alex sure is amazing. But yeah, there are some bugs here and there. Still worth it upgrading though.


Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

You guys are nearly forcing me to bite the bullet on the upgrade :angry smiley:

On a completely different note, I need a DVI-D to HDMI cable for my mini....
Any idea where to get it locally?


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Gotta upgrade dude! Leopard is not something you can fool around with. It's the real deal. Small bugs aside, it's definitely a huge upgrade from Tiger. I already feel alienated when using the iBook with Tiger on it.

As for those cables, my Apple store usually stocks all these types of cables but they are a bit expensive (around 1k for the one you mentioned)
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Alex is messed up. Time to hit the Apple Discussions Forum. :(


Here's something I came across on Apple's discussions board. "If you delay the setup (of Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard), the Mac will begin talking to you about options that you can use to perform the setup including doing via your voice. Nice touch!"

WOW! Nice touch indeed. Sorta makes me wish I had not been so enthusiastic to get it over with. I want to hear what it says. :p
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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

could u explain that talking thing a little ???
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