The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I just about watched that interview with Jobs and Gates at All things D, for the sixth time I think. Amazing interview. But every time I watch it, I get more and more pissed off at Kara whoever.

She interrupts flow of conversation, cracks sad jokes and speaks when not asked. Its annoying. Anyone else?

@iMav: I see you are carrying on the joke in your siggy!


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Exactly. She's dumb. You can almost see how Jobs is ignoring here. :p


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

2Mbps unlimited Internet access for fourteen hours every day over Wi-Fi!

YAY! I am on cloud nine. HDB, here I come. :D :D :p


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I cannot believe I configured it all myself. It wasn't the simplest job in the world.

The guy who came to configure it balked at seeing my Mac. He asked me if I had Windows. I told him that I did not buy such as expensive notebook to spoil it with crap. Then he asked me to show him the network settings and I did. Everything was working fine. He entered all the numbers and it connected fine. Then he changed some setting which would make the router connect to the Internet and the username and password would be supplied by the router itself. After that, it just refused to connect.

He told me it was because of my Mac. Brought another router and it had the same problem. Then he brought his Windows notebook. After half an hour (took ten minutes to boot and hung for twenty minutes after that), IE wouldn't work either. I actually laughed out loud. How dare he blame my Mac!

Then I told him I didn't mind entering the username and password myself. He configured it that way and left. After that I setup the Netgear router with it, and configured it to supply the username and password itself. The Wi-Fi password itself is saved on my Mac. So basically, now I can connect without any mess and if anyone else tries to do so, he'll need to enter a password.

Moral of the story is: Macs rock! :p


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

i remmebr the first time i setup my lan network myself .... took me 15mins and was abt 7 years back :lol: i can understand ur happiness :lol:


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

offtopic: which connection are u on aayush? 2mbps unlimited?!!!


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

@aayush: Have you ever seen the setup of an Airport Extreme? Those guys at apple can really dumb things down. I was at the right place at the right time, and the apple store was testing out the new Airport Extreme. Dead simple setup.

Anyway, as for using 'routers other than apple', I can understand your complaints. I asked my sify guys to setup the wireless router, but they said it wasn't possible and I would have to get separate connections for all my computers. Goobi says "**** you". After half an hour of struggling with network settings (I'm crappy with network settings), I finally got it working. Next time I'm getting an Airport Express (just waiting for its "n" upgrade).

@iMav and gx: I envy you guys, cause everything works just fine for you'll even though you run it through Windows. These kinds of miracles are hard to come by...

@infra: Its unlimited from 9pm to 9am...I think its Tata...
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The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

may be my windows reciprocates my love to me :) touch wood btw tata's giving net over wi-fi :?:


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Quicksilver tip:

If you want to launch say "Photoshop", and it usually shows up when you just press "P", then just press and hold that letter and it will launch. No need to press enter.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Rs. 540 per month. No installation charges. Six months pre-paid.

iMav said:
tata's giving net over wi-fi :?:
No, they aren't. I bought a router myself (with a little help from goobimama, gauravakaasid and rb_kaustav).

goobimama said:
Quicksilver tip:

If you want to launch say "Photoshop", and it usually shows up when you just press "P", then just press and hold that letter and it will launch. No need to press enter.
Yeah, I knew this one. I usually have my Dock visible but I still launch applications using QuickSilver. It is so damn fast.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

so ur sharing 1 conx within ur house thru wi-fi :?:


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Yes, the Tata Indicom router is connected to my Wi-Fi router which creates a Wi-Fi network I can log into using my Mac.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

hmmm wanting to do this in dad's office ... lets c


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

^^^ i'd written a tut. regarding the same sometime ago. too bad i'm lazy to post the screenshots! :D

540pm is cool man! hey aayush, hows the service? i mean any downtimes as yet? other than the unlimited time, whats the data cap?

btw, don't argue much wid those so called "engineers"... otherwise wid their answers to ur Qs, you'll pile up enuf jokes to laugh at for a whole year!! :D :D its always better to do things ur way :)


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

infra_red_dude said:
540pm is cool man! hey aayush, hows the service? i mean any downtimes as yet?
Well, I've only had it installed yesterday so I don't think I am in any position to comment on that yet. It seems to be quite stable because it connects as soon as I turn on the router and I haven't had any dropped connection yet.

infra_red_dude said:
other than the unlimited time, whats the data cap?
There is no data cap at all. None.
9AM-9PM at night is free. Additional usage during the day is charged from my prepaid amount. I got a total of around 360 hours, which means I can use 2 hours per day (apart from the twelve free hours).

Plus, I did not have to buy a phone connection or pay any installation charges. The speed and customer service, so far, has been very satisfying.
All in all, I think I've made a good choice. :)

infra_red_dude said:
btw, don't argue much wid those so called "engineers"... otherwise wid their answers to ur Qs, you'll pile up enuf jokes to laugh at for a whole year!! :D :D its always better to do things ur way :)
Yes, that's what I thought too. I was a bit scared though because I'd heard some reports that my particular Wi-Fi router does not work with Mac OS X. Turns out that was bullshit though, because it worked just fine right out of the box. :)

There is a reworked sign on the Asian version of the Apple online Store:


The fact that they actually changed it tells me that they are seriously working on the Store. I think we might get an actual working online store in India soon. And, if we are that lucky, maybe a few actual Apple retail stores too. That would be teh awesome! :D
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Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
Yes, that's what I thought too. I was a bit scared though because I'd heard some reports that my particular Wi-Fi router does not work with Mac OS X. Turns out that was bullshit though, because it worked just fine right out of the box. :)
yes, there's nothing like a router won't work wid a specific OS or something. its not a software. if ur wifi module is configured and supported in ur OS, thats all thats needed. the router doesn't come into picture anywhere :)


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Rs 540 pm is cool. 2Mbps for 14 hours it good enough for me. I was sulking thinking that I'll be stuck with 256k line when I'm in Chennai! :D Is the service available all over India?

I was planning a LAN connection between my Mac and PC. And I'll have the net connection for my PC. Can I use the normal wired connection and WiFi at the same time (ie the router supports such a thing?)
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