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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
That’s the UltraSharp 2408WFP and it costs Rs. 50,000. If I wanted to spend that much, I would’ve bought the Apple Cinema Display itself. It’s double the cost of the HP (and I probably wouldn’t notice the quality difference anyway).


Firefox vs. Safari :lol:


You know how I’ve been lambasting the MacBook Air to be too expensive? Scratch that. There is simply no way right now, from what I gather, to make a cheaper notebook with a form factor like the MacBook Air’s. Sure, $1,799 for those specs sounds expensive on paper but pit it against Lenovo’s X300 and Toshiba’s newly released Portégé R500 and it’s actually significantly cheaper than both of them, while being a lot thinner and much more powerful.

I now realise that I’ve been very unfair to the MacBook Air. Apple’s price is very competitive, more so than the MacBook and MacBook Pro or any other Mac for that matter. It’s practically cheap in its class.
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The Devil's Advocate
Aayush: If I were you, I would keep the iMac at home & have the MBP accompany me to where ever I go, whether to office or anywhere else.

Specific reason being that having a laptop at home and a desktop at place of work seems kinda weird. Laptops were made to be shuttled around with.


Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, I guess I’ll end up doing that too. It’s just that a wall mounted display looks ultra sexy and I really wanted to have one in my room. :(

I guess I could forgo use of the iSight camera… (it’s not much use on a 512Kbps connection anyway)


Boom Boom Boom
I think you should choose the HP monitor(I'm sort of a HP fan) to leave at your office, leave the wall mounted iMac at home and bring your laptop around wherever you're going.

You gotta take a look at the HP monitor that is real. The sides are black with a little bit shiny, with a glowing light on top that is the power button. The pictures are crisp, with the awesome colors.

Am I exaggerating? Plz tell me.

Here are links for non studio photos
Vertical Monitor: *
World of Warcraft in play:
Windows Vista Demo:
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Aspiring Novelist
I guess I’ll buy it then and install it in the office. Thanks to everyone for the help! :)

Which Apple products do you have?


Here’s something you don’t see very often: Windows XP running on an iPhone. Listen closely, you can almost hear the poor thing wailing its eyes out. :lol:
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Boom Boom Boom
I have an ipod, and I love the macs
I don't exactly own a mac, but I have much interest in them. I am buying a computer and still getting the challenge of which computer to buy. I will choose at least one desktop and maybe get a notebook. I probably will choose HP Pavillion M or iMac for desktop and Macbook or HP dv or tx series laptop. I may also choose iphone later.

You said you cannot use the isight on the macbook pro, but the MBP has a isight, u can use that one.
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 Macboy
^^ Hows about sporting one of those cool apple badges that all the macboys have. Brings you into the so called 'elite macboy' group :p (Only visible on Safari or if you really want it to on other browsers)


Wait a minute. Did .Mac mail always have that ajax interface and the quick reply thing that Mr. Philly the Schilly was raving about?
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Boom Boom Boom
Great idea! It looks awesome but cut off the posts and the chat stuff like AIM or Yahoo


I seem to be unable to paste pics onto posts.

iPhone is now going to half the price. That is just awesome!
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Aspiring Novelist
And you only realised that today? :p

I have an ipod, and I love the macs
I don't exactly own a mac, but I have much interest in them. I am buying a computer and still getting the challenge of which computer to buy. I will choose at least one desktop and maybe get a notebook. I probably will choose HP Pavillion M or iMac for desktop and Macbook or HP dv or tx series laptop. I may also choose iphone later.
Wow! An Apple fan who doesn’t own a Mac. Are there a lot of these around?

You said you cannot use the isight on the macbook pro, but the MBP has a isight, u can use that one.
Heyy, you’re right. How dumb can a person be to forget that! LOL! Now it’s definitely decided: iMac for the house and the MacBook Pro for the office, coupled with that HP 24-inch display. Lock and load. Thanks! :)


Boom Boom Boom
And you only realised that today? :p

Wow! An Apple fan who doesn’t own a Mac. Are there a lot of these around?

Heyy, you’re right. How dumb can a person be to forget that! LOL! Now it’s definitely decided: iMac for the house and the MacBook Pro for the office, coupled with that HP 24-inch display. Lock and load. Thanks! :)
You're welcome!
I love my ipod. you really can't beat it. The sound quality is awesome and the interface is smooth. There are lyrics and album art along with an EQ. I also use Safari for web browsing most of the time(I still use firefox for gmail). I love how fast they render pages. RSS feeds just became easy too. I very much like Safari can make the fonts look cool and fuzzy. Also a typing box will have a blue line around it to show it is highlighted. The Mac interface is just awesome. Clear and easy to use. Convenience on the dock
It's everything...


Aspiring Novelist
Also, I’m not sure about the Windows version but Safari on the Mac tells you when you’re typing the password and have the Caps Lock turned on. That’s a neat feature right there (one among many).

You gotta get a Mac, dude. You’ll love it. :)


Suppose you have two email accounts configured on your iPhone, one with IMAP and another with push IMAP. There is only a universal setting for Auto-Check on the device. If you set it to do so every thirty minutes, will it keep pinging the push IMAP server every thirty minutes too (because that would totally defeat the purpose of having it in the first place)? If not, how does it distinguish between normal IMAP and push IMAP?
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 Macboy
Also, I’m not sure about the Windows version but Safari on the Mac tells you when you’re typing the password and have the Caps Lock turned on. That’s a neat feature right there (one among many).
I think Windows does that as throwing an ugly yellow popup!

I don't think Push IMAP has anything to do with that autocheck thing. Push means it has a constant connection with the server. Not sure if this is what you were wondering.


Aspiring Novelist
Wow! In this day and age, Yahoo! still has the audacity to charge you for POP3 (not even push IMAP or just plain old iMAP—POP3) access. Un-frickin’-believable! :eek:


 Macboy
^^ Not like Hotmail has POP3 for free anyway. Currently, Gmail seems to be the only modern email service that's worth looking at (from among the free ones).

Although, I think for the iPhone they made some kind of push thing possible (remember the good ol' keynote?). Not sure if you need yahoo pro for that though.


Aspiring Novelist
I don't think Push IMAP has anything to do with that autocheck thing. Push means it has a constant connection with the server. Not sure if this is what you were wondering.
No, normal IMAP requires the email client to keep pinging the email server at regular intervals, thus hogging bandwidth and hampering the battery life on mobile devices such as the iPhone. Push negates the need for that. Whenever there’s a new email on the server, it pushes it to all connected devices immediately. It doesn’t require you to maintain a constant connection with the server. Don’t confuse push synchronisation with Apple’s push notification server for iPhone application developers.

My question was what happens when you set the iPhone to check for new email every half an hour—does it ignore the accounts that have push IMAP or pings their servers too (because if it did, that would defeat the whole purpose of having it in the first place). But I’ve now discovered that it doesn’t. When you set up an IMAP email service, it gives you the option to enable or disable Push and when synchronising, ignores that account if Push is enabled. They have it covered. :)

^^ Not like Hotmail has POP3 for free anyway. Currently, Gmail seems to be the only modern email service that's worth looking at (from among the free ones).
Why isn’t AOL more popular? You get two gigabytes of space and IMAP for free. That ought to count for something.

Although, I think for the iPhone they made some kind of push thing possible (remember the good ol' keynote?). Not sure if you need yahoo pro for that though.
Yeah, which is even weirder. You have an iPhone in front of you that can not only has remote access to their email servers, it even does Push IMAP. And then you have your computer with a fully featured email client and you need to pay them $20 per year just for crappy POP3 access. No wonder Yahoo! is going down the drain.
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You gave been GXified
Wow! In this day and age, Yahoo! still has the audacity to charge you for POP3 (not even push IMAP or just plain old iMAP—POP3) access. Un-frickin’-believable! :eek:

I am able to access my yahoo mails in Outlook since the year 2003 for free. How come it is paid for u?


was here
i finally got my new iMac this monday, the replacement ie. n so far so good, no probs have come so far. Set the net up, n installed all updates.

one query i wantd to ask every1 here, regarding the webclip feature of safari. I tried creating many today, but theres no save feature i blive. we just get to edit it n click done. but when i restarted it, the clip was gone! So is the clip feature only for viewing live portions of pages only for the time being when ur working. (if der IS a save feature, then hw 2 save em??) hope it aint a problematic mac again:p


Aspiring Novelist
I am able to access my yahoo mails in Outlook since the year 2003 for free. How come it is paid for u?
Oh yeah, if you change your region to India (mine is set to the United States), it becomes free. Now I remember. Thanks!

I still won’t be using it though. POP3 sucks.
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