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Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, I ran across this one (day before) yesterday. Awesome!

Whoever did it probably just used Leopard's default screensaver.

BTW, guys – try using this thread's search feature sometime. It's a treasure trove of information. :)


Aspiring Novelist
What was it before?

Thanks, man! I sure hope you liked it more for the writings than the links. :)


 Macboy
Update: Goobi (Me, not the cat) tried the RSS thing. It's not for me. I love going to the actual website, and checking to see if there's anything new. I love the ads. The whole thing with the thing. RSS is too monotonous for me...


The Devil's Advocate
iv got bored of twitter too its more like a bugging thing that just pops up (the IM version)


Aspiring Novelist
that's because the show is Legen...wait for it... DARY!
I tried to work that into my post but couldn't think of any way to. :p

Update: Goobi (Me, not the cat) tried the RSS thing. It's not for me. I love going to the actual website, and checking to see if there's anything new. I love the ads. The whole thing with the thing. RSS is too monotonous for me...
Yeah, well, when you have to parse through hundreds of articles every morning, convenient trumps the enjoyment of the whole website shebang (if you can call it that).


I draw every day
iv got bored of twitter too its more like a bugging thing that just pops up (the IM version)

I feel so too. I rarely reply to the tweets that I get and I'm starting to think its all just really lame.


Update: Goobi (Me, not the cat) tried the RSS thing. It's not for me. I love going to the actual website, and checking to see if there's anything new. I love the ads. The whole thing with the thing. RSS is too monotonous for me...

totally agree with you on that. Call me jobless if you have to, but I love the sidetracking that I often experience.


 Macboy
I just have a few sites RSS worthy so I'm cool being sans-rss:
MacUser (you guys are a little late sometimes. I emailed you famed Dan Moren, but he seems to be very chilled out about it. Taking a whole six hours to post a lowdown of the SDK announcement is not something I'd expect from a mac blog)

And personally, I don't even know what shebang means (Although Command+Control+D did spill the beans on that) :)
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Aspiring Novelist
MacUser (you guys are a little late sometimes. I emailed you famed Dan Moren, but he seems to be very chilled out about it.
1. What do you mean by "chilled out"? Did he take it seriously or not? Did he reply?
2. Where'd you get his email address?


 Macboy
1. He said something about being understaffed. And that I should check my RSS reader cause there are lots of other sites carrying news reports on the same. I don't feel like arguing with him further, but my point is, if the stuff is already on other news sites, what's the point of macuser? (apart from the awesome posts by Aayush, that is :) )
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Aspiring Novelist
Milind, could you please edit your post and de-format the email address? We get a lot of junk email already. :)

1. He said something about being understaffed. And that I should check my RSS reader cause there are lots of other sites carrying news reports on the same. I don't feel like arguing with him further, but my point is, if the stuff is already on other news sites, what's the point of macuser?
Well, that's his policy. He believes that since there are a lot of sites doing the news reporting and there's no one who just relies on one site, MacUser authors should always concentrate on where our strength lies–posting detailed content, humourously written. He doesn't mind it if we're slow on the uptake. I don't necessarily agree with him...

Seven hours is unacceptable though. The reason behind it was that MacUser is not supposed to cover iPhone related stories. For them, there is iPhone Central. So it wasn't a huge priority.

In general, when it comes to all those Mac related announcements and Apple Store launches, we're pretty quick with the coverage. I know because I handle those. :p (I could have written about this one too but I was too sleepy.)

apart from the awesome posts by Aayush, that is
I know that, at least compared to the rest of the MacUser authors, I'm the worst one on the block. There's no shame in admitting it. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Oh well, I'll be big about it. Still, the SDK announcement was no small time "iPhone news".
Official response: We welcome and value your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention.

We'll be more careful in future. :p
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