Umm... in case someone didn't get the message loud and clear the last time, I would like to repeat that I
highly recommend installing Smart Scroll X. It is just fantastically mind blowing and awesome. It should have been an optional addition to Mac OS X by default. If one of you guys were within physical reach, I would force you to install it. It is
that cool. Not the glitzy sort of cool, where you look at it and it has whiz-bang effects that look awesome, but cool in the sense that when you use it on a regular basis, you'll realise that it is much better than the original way to scroll.
I've also asked the developer of Smart Scroll X to add a particular feature. Hopefully, he should do that soon.
Also, I would again like to stress to goobimama (and everyone else who hasn't caught the RSS bug) that you
have to start using it. There is simply no excuse not to.