The Official Borderlands Thread


Did the Destroyer in, now am about halfway through lvl 55.
Doing the Secret armory again, as i didnt defeat Craw earlier(what do you expect of a Lvl 45 solo anyways? =P)
So will freaking LOVE it if anyone posts his gameranger ID.
PS: i have ver, and dont seem to be able to upgrade, getting a fatal error.even tried the DOS thing, but didnt work. so any help will be great.


Aspiring Novelist
LOL.. our every session gets some funny moments. :p
By the way, when is our next session??

And good to see another player who uses Siren. :)
Let's keep it for this weekend. Friday night is available too. I'll check with Gaurav.

@JOJO: Here you go:



Aspiring Novelist
Dante, you'll need to find yourself a co-op partner, as (unfortunately) our teams quota is already filled up. All of us are on the same level and same progress too. Ask JOJO or baccilus and you guys can form a team.

Back on topic, completed the 'Zombie Island of Dr.Ned' DLC today. We're skipping Mad Moxxi's DLC, as it doesn't add any XP value. So it's our second play-through for Secret Armory of General Knoxx. :grin:


Aspiring Novelist
Ideally, you can fire up the DLC after you reach level 36, which should be the level after your complete the main game. You can play it in the exact sequence in which they released. Skip Moxxi's DLC, if you want. It doesn't really hold any value and is more of a chore. Check tkin's earlier posts in this thread. I think he had posted why Moxxi's DLC was not worth the effort.


Hanging, since 2004..
Target is to complete Borderlands playthrough 2 today. Kill crawmerax and be done with it.
All of us 'Vamsi(vamsi_krishna), Allwyn(Ethan_Hunt),Sameer (sameer.pur) and myself' are on level 60, just one level to go :D.

I love my new Orion sniper :D

Update :
Borderlands Complete !!! Killed Crawmerax, it was awesome !!!


Human Spambot
^ LOL yea.. I was thinking that it will take another 10 days just to kill it. But, Team work did it. Kicked Crawmerax's ass. Woot. Completed all the quests. Finally.

Total time taken: 3 days, 16 hours and 10 mins. :p


Aspiring Novelist
YOOOO-HOOOOO! Killed the SOB and we have finally completed this long running game. Started it somewhere back in August last year (if memory serves). We had Sunny dropping out and Sam joining in. Today, after a lot of tug of war with electricity cuts, we defeated Crawmerax. Died a **** load of times, but finally nailed him down. I couldn't even beat one of it's armoured minions. We all aimed critical shots at his weak spots and focused everything on it. Didn't get a single Pearlascent weapon. But really glad we fought an awesome battle. Cheers team!

Now off to find a our next venture. Also await Borderlands 2, which will definitely be a day-1 purchase. :grin:


The Chosen One
^^ I think our total playtime should be a lot more than that.
And then add the time we wasted solving little issues like disconnection, quest illegibility problems and in last the save file corruption.. :-/


Hanging, since 2004..
The A-Team after defeating Crawmerax :D (Picture courtesy Vamsi and Sameer)

WTF !!! Bullys

This is the only pic of Vamsi (behind the camera guy :D )


Ally (Ethan_hunt) showing off

Now its my time to , ka-pow ! :p

Sameer's character doing her see thru thing !

And burns into flames..

Peace on Pandora finally..

Athena agreed for a click

Hanging out at Scooters

Ugly Pink :p

We had awesome fun, cant wait for Borderlands 2 :cool::))
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