Development looks almost dead now. I guess CM9 has got into it's highest point, Heyhappy and others are not doing anything anymore Specially to improve battery.
Rashed is still working on CM10 to fix bugs, but still it's not stable.
In the mean time DJOptimus is carrying on CM9 from Team MAC : [ROM|Unofficial][IMM76L][ICS 4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 [TeamMAC][27-SEPT-2012] - xda-developers
So I guess, Heyhappy's Final CM9 is the last CM9 ROM.
Looks like time to move to a new device or keep using Hephappy's Final CM9.
Though this is not ill-logical, as there's pretty much nothing to do, as there's no bug.

Only I wish, if battery life would have improved little bit.