So finally I am flashing Tinystream today (finally

). And I have some doubts. Please help!
Currently my specifications of the OS are in the following screenshot:
I had some queries:
1. I never flashed any kernel before. So should I do it? I was planning to flash this kernel: [KERNEL][02/07/2012]Code Aurora Kernel for ICS - xda-developers
2. If I flash the kernel mentioned on that page for ICS, then can re flash the kernel meant for GB later, if I ever decide to revert to GB. (Just curious).
Or just like baseband, its not recommended to play with it?
3. Should I (have anyone) installed this?
LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981MAN37AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3. 7.2.exe from here: [cm9][ics][rom][4.0.4][rc1][06.jul.2012][tinystream] cyanogenmod 9, ics, caf kernel - xda-developers ?