:: The Formula 1 - 2007 Season Thread ::

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Hope ..thats all we can do...

I badly wish if schumi wuld be racing this year.. am pretty sure...he would have given tough even wid under powered car..!!

well i didnt see the GP..but as everyones says Massa had badluck...else he could have made podium so its not that bad for Ferrari...slite bad luck..!! plus luck too...coz if alonso would have taken 2nd then it would be worse for them


Baby Cries again

Here's the cry-baby crying again:

"World champion Fernando Alonso believes his McLaren team are giving preference to his rookie team-mate Lewis Hamilton.

The Spaniard had misgivings as soon as he joined the team at the end of 2006

He said: "From the first moment, I wasn't completely comfortable. I am in an English team, with an English team-mate, who is doing brilliantly. "We knew all the support and help would go his way. It is something I understand and I'm not complaining." (not complaining??!excuse me whats all this about then???!!)
I've won two races out of six and I've finished on the podium four times and I have those 40 points that will allow me to fight for the title in the end," he said.

"I'm calm, I'm fine, though I know there is some impatience to return to the top and dominate.
"But I'm second in the championship, I'm eight points behind. It would be worse if I were at Renault, or Honda or any other team. "

In addition to what he had said earlier:

"Alonso cursed the effect the safety car had on the race, saying: "It always makes the races a lottery and you need luck.
"I had to stop on lap 24, and the safety car came out on lap 24, I had to stop on lap 49-50 and it came out on lap 47, and that was the race for me.
"My team-mate benefited the most. As I said, the safety car is a lottery and there can't be a race where you are more out of luck than I have been. "There will be other times when it will be my turn to have a good race and the rest will have all the bad luck." "

aneesh kalra

Mclaren F1 Long tail
Alosno is a cry baby ,why would you blame the mclaren management for your misfortunes.He was running the car himself he would have avoided the bad finish had he been more careful..Indianoplolis is going to be a boring race ,going round and round oval tracks.By the way newspapers are referring to hamilton as the first black driver in f1.Was our very own karthikeyan not the first black driver in f1.


Indians are considered Asian or Brown.....Africans are considered black

India awarded F1 race for 2009

June 14, 2007 15:03 IST

India have been awarded a Formula One Grand Prix race to be held from 2009, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) president Suresh Kalmadi announced on Thursday.

"We have received a letter in this regard from Bernie Ecclestone, CEO of Formula One. The IOA will be the promoter, the first event of which will be held in 2009," he told a news conference.

Source :- *www.rediff.com/sports/2007/jun/14ind.htm
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Well because even LOCATIOn isnt scouted for :p God knows how will everything be done in less than 2 yrs :p

Give Vijay Mallya the contract


Make Way the LORD is Here
Vyasram said:
its delhi


and itz gonna be a street race

with the india gate in the background..they'll be using the rajpath...i am just luving it & thank u Mr.vijay mallaya:p(only if the race is staged in 2009)


Street Race is ruled out..!!


Indian Olympic Association plans to host Formula 1 race in 2009


F1 will be good for India

Formula 1 is on its way to India. The Indian Olympic Association has received a letter from Bernie Ecclestone, CEO of F1, offering India a place in the 2009 Formula 1 world championship. According to the current proposal, the Indian Grand Prix would be held in Delhi on a track built specifically for auto racing. Sports fans have naturally welcomed the idea.
Formula 1 has been acquiring an increasing following since Narain Karthikeyan made his debut in 2005.However,some have argued that the investment required to build a track and then maintain it is not justified by the returns.
This argument is shortsighted. For India to be given an opportunity to host an event like a Formula 1 Grand Prix is a matter of great pride. Nations such as Malaysia and Bahrain have been able to successfully stage races. There is no reason why India cannot do the same. F1 claims 800 million television viewers annually, behind only the football World Cup and the Olympics. It is the pinnacle of motorsport, and is an arena for many technological advances in the automotive industry.
If a Grand Prix is held in India and goes off without any major hitch, India will have truly arrived in the world of international sport. The logistics of staging a race are complicated and will require major infrastructure updates. New roads, hotels and flyovers were built for the Asian Games in 1982. These sharply improved the quality of life in Delhi. The same will happen with an F1 race, which can provide an impetus to design a better airport, build more hotels and make the city more habitable.
Besides indirectly leading to Delhi becoming a better place to live in, an F1 race will boost tourist traffic to India, which will be good for the economy. India will gain visibility on the world stage as a sporting nation, not just a cricketing one. Far from encouraging rash driving, the immense skill and precision required in F1 racing should inspire our drivers to drive better because modern F1 driving in fact creates conditions for safer driving through skills and technology.


No need for F1 racing

- Ronojoy Sen

Should we be excited that Formula 1 is likely to come to Delhi in two years from now? No way. Such hare-brained moves, engineered by sports administrators with dubious track records, should be resisted vigorously.
Supporters of F1 racing point to the fillip it would provide to Delhi’s infrastructure. They predict that several thousand hotel rooms would be added in the city and Delhi airport’s facilities significantly enhanced to deal with the increased flow of tourists and equipment. There are serious doubts about whether government can get its act together in the required short time of two years.
The larger point, however, is not whether government can meet deadlines. Delhi’s development has traditionally been linked to mega events such as the 1982 Asiad and now the 2010 Commonwealth Games. But why should development of Delhi’s airport, roads and hotels be hostage to big-ticket sporting events? Going by that logic, nothing will happen in the capital unless some jamboree is organised. That is just not the way a city’s infrastructure should be planned and developed.
Besides the faulty logic of urban development being peddled by F1 enthusiasts, the sport itself has no place in today’s world. F1 racing — with apologies to its many fans — is an extremely wasteful sport. When the globe is facing an acute energy crunch, it is a shame that a sport where petrol-guzzling cars race each other continues to be encouraged. There are some who would argue that innovations in the design of F1 cars could lead to energy-saving measures. This is a specious argument. The entire rationale of F1 racing is to maximise speed; it has nothing to do with energy saving.
Finally, F1 racing can have pernicious effects in a place like India. Many of the country’s drivers are possibly the worst in the world. Speed limits mean nothing to them; they usually regard traffic lights as mere decoration. God alone knows how drivers will react when they see F1 cars zipping at 250-plus kmph on a desi racetrack.
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Human Spambot
(off topic)
Times view said:
F1 claims 800 million television viewers annually.behind only the football World Cup and the Olympics.
FA Premiership alone in football has more than a billion viewers worldwide.
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Ok Offtrack..Offtrack..Offtrack..

I am posting it here...because all the F1 enthusiasts must be checkin this thread..

Anyone here follows the Race/Qualifying on Live Timing at F1....??

I am havin sm problem since last week..even though i installed latest Java..Still i am unable to watch it..before that it was all perfect..even mailed thier support/help..but not response...so posted here..!!

Anyone has any idea...how do i debug it..??


@dipen, what browser you use?

d/l here - *www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/

Qualifying @ 22:30 [IST :p]

Race Day
Sunday 17 June @ 22:30
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Tried on Opera and IE 7 both..:(

was working like a charm on IE 6...can that be a problem

EDIT :- Even installed shockwave player..No change..:( and yeah from the start of the problem its asking me two files to download everything i check the page...


Here is the screenie of the widow :

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