BSD init pwns System V
For the first time i'm using Ubuntu to surf the internet. Thanks to the digit forum, esp. SARIQ. So i would like to request SuSE 10.1 or Ubuntu 6.10
to whom ur asking ? to me ?Tech Geek said:Do we have to pay?
neerajvohra said:i'm having some old and new Linux distros...if anyone want (Delhi only)
reply back !!
mandirva2006 (cd's)
ubuntu 6.06 (cd), 5.10(cd)
freebsd 6.1 cd (send it)
pclinuxos bigdaddy 0.93 (cd) (send it)
Debian 3.1rc2 (cds)
Suse 9.1 personal Edition(digit dvd )
fedora core 4 (chip dvd)
Parallel knoppix, cluster knoppix tablix (pcquest dvd)
Xandros (version 3 circulation edition) (chip dvd)
gentoo linux 4.2 (chip dvd)
Freebsd (digit dvd)
ubuntu 5.04 (digit dvd)
vector linux 4.3 (chip dvd)
ark linux 2005 (chip dvd) -2 dvds im having
damn small linux (chip dvd)
sun solaris (5 cds)
i'm having some more collections of dvd...quite old..so didn't post that
all these cds/dvds are collected from the magazines i buy every month, cds/dvds are in very good conditions..
and lastly..i will only send cds/dvds in Delhi..as i don't need any expense from u guys..so if u like any of the stuff above..i would be grateful to help u !!
PS : as soon as i will send any cds/dvds ,i will remove the list of distro i don't have !!
DukeNukem said:can i request for two distros
if yes, then they are
sun solaris (5 cds), mandirva2006 (cd's)
live in faridabad,
PM you the address of mine ?????????????????
(tell me the procedure to do the PM as i dont know it)
prakash kerala said:I have gnewsense(100% Free Softwares,but runs gr8) in Kochin,any one nearby areas wants it?
A product sponsored by the Free Software Foundation, gNewSense is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution released without any proprietary and non-free components, and several enhancements. Notably, all proprietary firmware, restricted modules and Ubuntu logos are removed, while the "Universe" repository is enabled by default and several GNU applications, such as Emacs and development libraries, as well as bsdgames and NetHack, are included in the default installation. The goal of the project is to produce a totally free (libre) Linux distribution.