No offence, but WTF is this?
@ 02:13
"This is the beginning of the end of Indian Federation"
It was fun watching that video. Every single problem that he said India is facing, its really pakistan which is facing those issues. So if he said
"this is the beginning of the end of Indian Federation" OR
"tehrik e taliban are Indian assets" OR
"the attack on Indian parliament was planned by Indian intelligence" OR
"the terrorists(from faridkot, pakistan) involved in the latest attacks are India's home grown terrorists" OR
"Indian nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the bjp, shivsena type radicals"
just reverse it and you will know what they are really worried about. For me its just a desperate attempt of a failing state trying to get back some self confidence. If you want a good laugh, read the comments.
US, UK and China will definitely not support India in any military aggression against pakistan and with those 3 countries of the UNSC not on our side, its just not possible to build any meaningful(for India) international consensus against pakistan. Had we been militarily stronger, perhaps we could count on Russian support, which would have been very useful to counter any chinese support to pakistan. But the Russians will never support a soft state and sadly India does have the image. Maybe we do have the muscle, but we also need to flex it sometime to put things in perspective for others.
The ceasefire with pakistan should not be called off. Thats exactly what they would want, an alibi to provide covering fire while pushing terrorists into India. There is this saying(sanskrit maybe)
saam, daam, dand, bhed, I think it means something like reason(with them), pay, punish, divide(them). India has been reasoning with pakistan long enough. Considering the economic situation pakistan is in today, India should everything it can, to starve pakistan's economy and then do everything possible to make them dependent on India economically. Something like what the chinese are trying to do to us(thats why I try to buy
made in India over
made in china wherever possible).
Completely seal the border, allowing and continuing trade with PoK and pakistan, India is only helping to extend the rope by which Pakistan hopes to climb out of its economic hole. We should not be buying anything from them, even if it means importing goods which we buy from pakistan at 10 times the price from the other side of the world. If they still want to buy from us then that we should allow.
In the light of recent pirate and terrorist attacks, it has become even more important for India to beef up her naval strength to historic levels. What is the reason we have to buy a used aircraft carrier from Russia with huge delays and cost overruns, probably at a cost at which we could have bought it new? They delay the delivery, ask for more money and we still agree to buy it. The netas must have got something out of that deal

. Having an ocean named after us is just not enough if we don't have the muscle to dominate it. If we continue like this, 25 years from now the Indian ocean will be called the Chinese Western Ocean.