TDF Upgraded - Post bugs here please

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Chosen of the Omnissiah
I'm looking into this but I have no idea about what broke it since I have not made any change anywhere.

Some problem on your side. It works perfectly here..


which browser are you using?

Even I can't view the editor (formatting toolbox).


Back to school!!
Weird, never experienced it, on chrome, using only chrome adblock, with fanboy's list:


The Power of x480
Staff member
Ok, I realized that the formatting bar is unavailable in Quick Reply but also from the "Go Advanced" text box. This seems bad. :|


Conversation Architect
strange... none of the above bugs, except for the occasional double post bug, occurs in my case.. yay! :)


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I've used every browser.

Double post bug was never there for me.

But CKEditor is not working for me anywhere.


Back to school!!
Weird, no white box problem for me on chrome, but pops up on opera, could this be to my Chrome's cache? I hadn't cleared it over months now.
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