TDF Playdates V2.0

Digital Fragger

A Functioning God
most of the ss of tracks in which i won are missing :D :p :conspiracy:
because you were speed hacking.

- - - Updated - - -

PS, what is this tunnelling in garena and how to do it

When you enter any room, a direct p2p connection is established between you and other players in the room. Sometimes, you miss connection to few members in room and if they host a game in the room, you can't see their server because you don't have any p2p connection with them. Then you need to tunnel them to force the connection and make their server visible. It doesn't help with improving ping or reducing lag.


In the zone
So another playdate Concluded ... It was fun , playing Trackmania Nation Forever again . Thanks to all the guys that joined .

Participants in No particular order : [MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] [MENTION=136474]Allu Azad[/MENTION] [MENTION=123565]Digital Fragger[/MENTION] [MENTION=158674]flyingcow[/MENTION][MENTION=145360]kunalht[/MENTION] [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] [MENTION=148045]anirbandd[/MENTION] [MENTION=149723]gta0gagan[/MENTION] [MENTION=138101]Bhargav[/MENTION] [MENTION=121491]rajatGod512[/MENTION] (Sorry If I missed a name , I am not sure who was acidbased )


ouch i m stuck in job today so cant join u guys for playdate
i ll reach home at 11Pm so i ll online after that only :(


The Power of x480
Staff member
Went to Lansdowne, UK, (Uttrakhand) in the mountains with my colleague mates for the previous two days. Hence couldn't join in yesterday's playdate.

Will join today for TDF TMNF playdate. ;)


Sith Lord
Staff member
something happen around 10:20 to me too
anyone posting screenies? when is gd for deciding next?

too bad golf didnt have numbers


something happen around 10:20 to me too
anyone posting screenies? when is gd for deciding next?

too bad golf didnt have numbers
i think the mod wasntworking...even if we saw the numbers, i couldnt teleport back to check after i fell into the hole..
or did we manually have to press it?
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