TDF Playdates V2.0


Living to Play
Playdate was totally awesome and Piyush name was funny. Not many people came but it was totally awesome. Looking forward to next playdate. :)

Join steam's playdate group chat tomorrow 10 pm.


I can attend today or day after tomorrow. Because day after tomorrow is my exam so can't come to chatroom tomorrow. Sorry, I hope you guys understand.
However, whatever you guys decide just inform me, I'll surely attend the playdate, don't worry about that. I am in no matter what game will be played, If TF2 then please inform me ASAP after decision so I can put it in DL. Tell me the name on Steam so whenever I'll come to use PC then I'll put it in the queue for DL.
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Guys, also please consider Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory. Its free as well and has pretty good mechanics.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory | Splash Damage


yeah trackmania in the first playdate was fking awesome everyone enjoyed it..had a lot o fun
and we have already done a shooter (quake) so..this one should be diff. dont you think?
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