Win-win situation: I keep using words like "Batsuichi", and put a legend at the bottom explaining what it means and what I'm using it for.
I'm only saying that based on what we know, the PS4 isn't a "must buy" yet. Maybe thanks to E3 that will change.
I have problem calling x1 whatever is the convention right now because it reminds me too much of Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam. And my opinion on the Batsuichi is that as of now it is a "don't buy" unless E3 can change it.
I'm only stating my opinion here and nobody has been forced to agree with itI think I have that much freedom in this forum.
Don't rely on IGN. Look at some other reviewers like Polygon and Eurogamer. You should also check out Youtube reviewers like Angry Joe.
Now I'm not saying that The Last of Us is a bad game. I haven't played it so I can't comment on that. But I can comment on what reviewers can or can't be trusted. Check Metacritic too for a comprehensive list of reviewers.
Usually it is the smaller unpaid ones that are not biased.
If this thread is to be believed, then Naughty Dog has misled consumers on at least one count.
Batsuichi refers to the act of divorce, not the divorcee. Batsuichi is apt here because:
1. The new xbox is called Xbox one.
2. Batsu is represented by a cross in the Japanese language and so can subsitute the box's X. And ichi means "one"
3. The new xbox, based on the information available, figuratively divorces itself "once" from the gamer. No longer is it a gaming console- it's a home entertainment device that also fails to live up to it's name.
If Japanese or other foreign language words get banned here, some of the off-topic community threads will be badly affected. And surely you realize that a very large number of English words are actually loaned or derived from other languages (including but not limited to French, Latin, Greek, and even Japanese). You would not be able to use terms like de facto, de jure etc because they're not English.
Besides, many games from Japan don't have English names in their English releases (Ni No Kuni, Tekken etc). You sure you want to live with that?
You'll go to any lengths to justify your annoying habits. Things will be much better here if you try to be accommodating. Don't be thick just for the sake of being thick. Such behavior is common with stubborn kids, kindly keep your eccentricities out of your posts.
I do not care what your reasons are, and I do not have the patience to keep reading the legend (which I've never seen) that you claim is at the end of your posts. Go to Japanese forums should you choose to continue posting in Japanese. Don't annoy everyone for no reason, learn to cooperate. Thanks.