So the new exclusives shown are "New Order 1866" , "Dark Sorcerer", "Final Fantasy XV", "Kingdom Hearts" & "Mad Max".
Not bad for a start. 12 new Ip's will release in the first year as per "Shuhei Yoshida". Destiny looked great and so did watchdogs.
Ac4 graphics are a big upgrade and looked fantastic except some freeze issues in the demo.
The indie titles are enormous and the ability to self publish is a big bonus for them. It'll attract tons of aspiring developers to step out and embrace creativity.
Only games Microsoft has an edge are "Ryse" and "TitanFall". The pricing is too good to be true and the used game support and offline playability is simply an icing on the cake.
Lots of games are in the development stages now and will soon follow after ps4's launch this year.
Ps3 also has an impressive lineup starting from "TLOU", "GT6","Puppeteer" and "Beyond Two Souls". Ps vita also has an impressive line up of indie and blockbuster titles. A price drop was required though.
The PS4's design reminds me of the original "FAT" PS2. It was a legendary console and Sony's new beast is all set to repeat as well as rewrite history.