Its not like i want to mess up this thread....
putting up two threads with Prices of mobile's is confusing for the user's
i want to say is that we already have the Mobile price+best deals thread...
just make this thread Mobile buying guide...(best phone below 5k , 10k etc...its short review , specifications , final verdict and etc..)
lets not just mess up creating two threads with Price list of mobile's
(thats my view , Final verdict is your wish as Obvsly ur a MOD)
Apple iPhone 3GS 19990
should it be included?
and a comment field with the most decisive factors for every model should be buying guide enough
let's keep the price-after-coupon away from this list. We have a separate thread about that kind of deals.
anything apart from a comment about why the phone stands out would make it confusing. the specs never paint the full picture.
I know its the phones on the market atm, but is the list supposed to be exhaustive or are only selected models put up? feels like the list is missing Samsung Galaxy Fit, the SE x10s - mini and mini pro, and the Motorola Milestone
I seriously doubt that.+ Above average software support
I'm planning on to buy HTC Incredible S, but then there is Samsung Galaxy SII for just 4k bucks more, is it really worth the extra money? The major factor diverging me towards Incredible S from Galaxy S2 is the HTC Sense UI.
I seriously doubt that.
Well, thanks for the heads up. I guess I was looking for something that is (or will be) non-existent, a perfect smartphone. HTC sensation isn't really a choice, even if I were to choose between sensation and incredible, I'd go for Incredible. Reason, more bang for bucks.S2 is better than Incredible S in everyway. and if you like Sense UI, get S2's counterpart. HTC Sensation. but i wonder how long you will stick to Sense UI.