Oh god.
Firstly, stop trying to enforce your thoughts on others with "

" and caps
(dont want to this statement to sound like an insult)
I completely agree with the fact that SM was not the best film of the year (TCCOBB, Milk or Frost Nixon were the only contendors IMO)
Its an above average film, (refer to my previous post on this thread

Swades, Lagaan 's music (whom you are comparing to Ringa Ringa) was composed by A R Rahman, who truly desreved the Oscar despite the fact that SM was an average album (he deserves it for all that he has done till date, SM was merely his ticket to US after Bombay Dreams)
Dont keep saying "White guy/American Guy(Danny Boyle is British BTW

) /bad taste/shows slums in India"
Face it, such slums do exist, unless we accept it, they will continue to co-exist with us and will not develop.
And compare TZP with the other contendors in Foreign Category (posted Wikipedio links earlier) and you will realize that TZP is not "that" extra-ordinary"
Instead, laugh and be happy that the West is now dancing (finally) to Rahman's tunes, something which we have been doing since '93