yamaraj said:
You've a very messed up idea of what spirituality and religion are. Philosophy,
morality, conscience, faith and guilt aren't even remotely concerned with
religions or spirituality.
Ok long now.....lemme tell the defn of sprituality!
Spirituality is nothing but knowing urself, ur surrounding, what is right, what shud be done, and we shud live! If u know urself...then u'll have faith in urself! U'll know ur positives and negetives and then be able to jusdge ur complete ability! So u see Morality,conscience,faith and guilt are just steps of ladders to completely know urself and know how to live life!
yamaraj said:
Mankind was never spiritual. Religions are a veil for those who cannot afford
to be rational. Religions are nihilistic.
Wow again u started day dreaming like Arjun singh...huh?? That Religious people are fool, religion is stupid, muslims are craps and ur the BEST?? Wow its actually opposite!
U know what......ur biggest problem is that u see negetive in every system and person!
yamaraj said:
Why did 'worshipping penis' sound so funny to you? If you're a Hindu, you must
have bowed before one at least once in your life. Granted, it was not mine or
yours own, but it was a penis indeed! What's so funny? I made a valid and
serious point and your blew it away in a laugh. Because you didn't have any
Cool....u wanna start debate on that now?? o ahead open another thread if u have the GUTS!!
So u say u have bowed to ur penis ?? Huh.....man from what species are u??
In ur school when a teacher asks u something.....u give examples of ur reproductive organs?? DONt u have somethng better?? Ur mind is so full of s_hit because of this thats why u arent spiritual at all. And thats why u keeep making CASTLES IN AIR...that ur the best and muslims are the worst, born killers!
neways it has been proven by ur stupid westerners that ppl who think they are the best are indeed psychos and mentally challenged!
yamaraj said:
Hinduism is as old as the Earth itself? Should I recommend a mental clinic?
U may....but for urself! Neways there is a clinic called "sablok clinic" for ppl like u only!
yamaraj said:
Calling me a psycho only because I showed you a mirror? Accept it or not, but
many so called spiritual people will only preach after a session of kababs and
liquor. Go, become a vegetarian first and then talk to me about spirituality and
violence. Your parents are gods? Happy human worshipping!
Oh yes! Mah parents are GOD for me...undoubtedly! Didnt ur mother gave birth to u....or u were born sislerian?? Dont u worship her for giving u life as human?? Or u mock her for that.....that this is stupid and u dont blieve in ur mother......she's trying to use a tool to cover u...and all sort of crap u uttered of ur pscycho brain?
yamaraj said:
So I'm not a Hindu anymore only because I refute your false claims of superiority
of Vedas over the Western science? Ah, I forgot ...this Internet and your PC
was also developed by some baba 3000 years ago. Grow up! Accept the hard truth.
Huh, they didnt need to! Ever heard of "Telepathy" dear? I have experienced it....may be u can if may become spiritual! Ever heard of Reiki?? Ever heard of hypnotism? Ur western counterparts are still trying to learn this wehn our spiritual leaders were perfect at it 1000s of years ago! And what is internet and PC.....do u actually need it to survive in this world?? Is i something u cant live without??
Anyways u call urelf hindu sometimes and sometimes u call urself a psycho or non-religious?
Decide what u wanna call urself first dood!!
yamaraj said:
Spiritual highness and Ramdev? Pardon me, but he makes such stupid claims
that I cannot take him seriously anymore. He belongs to the modern baba
breed, that spreads FUD and cares more for their bank accounts. Yoga curing
Cancer and AIDS? Must be on cracks!
Are trying to time pass in this fight club?? Do have a proof or some sting opertion that u done...to prove this? Or ur again in ur pyscho world .....having dreams! That this is wrong that is wrong...and I'm the best!! Some biharis are known to live in such psycho world!!!
yamaraj said:
Aryabhatta didn't take Saturn-5 to the moon. Vedas didn't provide you the TV,
fridge, cars, bikes, radio, planes, ships, computers, Internet. Don't make laughable
claims. Like I said before, you're still living in a dreamworld. Wake up!
Ever heard of "Divya drishti" on which whole mahabarat is based?? Dont say now this is crap and by some stupid person.....U'll be making a serious mockery of urself dood!
If u werent in that era...doesnt give u right to say that it was a story!!
Neways what proof do u have that ur a descendent of ur forefathers??
Planes?? Yes u had planes in those eras and they used travel with speed of mind....and so no question of bikes or cars !! I know u'll say this is crap..I wont mind! U study haman psychology...then u must be knowing human doesnt believes in thngs he dont sees from his eyes! Urs is a classic case!!
Fridges?? Do Tribals die if they dont have fridge?? Cmon that was soooooo childish!! Ever heard of preservatives?? Go read bio books then! Some biharis are known to be ignorant and then also uttering psycho stuff...thinking they are the best and whateva they are doing and saying is the best and correct!
yamaraj said:
Also, you've no idea what institutionalization is. Schools, colleges, military and
jails do suppress one's individuality. You don't have to respond to every point
I make, just because you can. Think before you write.
Boy....ur every point is quotable and I like to quote ur psycho stuff! U urself are making a mockery of urself here...why dont give others a chance then to do that for u ??
__Virus__ said:
Yes, religion is indeed a set of rules made, pre-decided, must be followed. Those rules are true to extremity, withtout an ounce of doubt. Not telling about any other religion, cos I have absolute 0 knowledge about them, not completely unaware, though. Now, rules are not *writing the last post's line* what u or me or so called Jihadi's or Communists brags about and tries to implement on others, they are set of rules defined and must be followed, written only in the Holy Book, Quran *for Islam*, other have their holy followings too. The rules are set in such a manner, which upon being followed, will truly let a human live the best life. Am sure every religion does have a set of rules like for ex: Respect, Truth, Help, Prayers, No Back/bad bites, Fear of the almighty, and all.
Hey bro I already told...Jihadism and communism is a work of some psycho minds who are ignorant themselves, lost there spirituality!!
Like u I also dont know abt other religion....but I certainly dont know if there are rules in Hinduism!! If there are rules...then please do TELL ABOUT A FEW RULES if they exist!!
There may be beliefs like the post u started here.....but thats all created by humans only! Did Ramji say to start DIwali when arived back to ayodhya.....Its only us who do that!
Thats why I said immersions shud be done by religious leaders to support tradition. Otherwise I also wud have supported ban! But if there shud be ban than all such beliefs in all the religions shud be banned!
But I guess this debate turned into a religious(mentally blessed) and non-religious(pyschos) debate!
Neways here we Baba Ram dev who cured a 10000s of ppl overnight and the count of cured still increasing exponentially! And then we have a psycho here...who says thats Baba Ramdev is unreal and alls a crap and I'm the best!
I dunno if he even listens to doctors when they cure! I think he asks them question about there identity then and whether they have a proof of what they r doing! My god what if he asked qustion to his own parents to prove they r really his!!
Heyyyyy @yamaraj ... please try to see positives in every thing. Dont be like Arjun Singh.......or your future will be in a terrible mess! Dont take it as a preaching...but atleast do it for once!