Samsung expected to sue Apple over iPhone 5


King of my own Castle
You cannot reinvent things!! I mean you can but not always and not as often. There was this perfect phone, iphone 4S.Its just needed one big screen and to do away with the weight.

Didn't Apple just do that ?

After all i still cannot figure out, What does it take to whet the appetite of consumer ?
May be sometime like 100" Screen that miraculously slides into the behinds ,powered by nuclear energy that runs for years, and apps from all over the universe ,of-course custom made so they are just that tad right. But then wouldn't be surprised if people are footing for that next version round the corner and are disappointed as well.
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Right off the assembly line
The courtroom battle between Apple and Samsung seems to be far from over, and come tomorrow Apple is in for a major headache as soon as it makes the iPhone 5 official. That’s because Samsung is poised to sue the company over patents it owns relating to the LTE connectivity the new smartphone is expected to use.


King of my own Castle
The courtroom battle between Apple and Samsung seems to be far from over, and come tomorrow Apple is in for a major headache as soon as it makes the iPhone 5 official. That’s because Samsung is poised to sue the company over patents it owns relating to the LTE connectivity the new smartphone is expected to use.

Mr Ninja how much more proof you need from Apple to make iPhone 5 official now ?


Took Off!!!
it doesn't matter if the S III has a larger screen, better processor, nfc etc.....the iphone 5 will still sell, and in millions too. the preorders itself have overwhelmed apple, and its the biggest makeover for an iphone. I think samsung will wait a couple of months before trying and suing apple, because if they somehow manage to convince a court to ban iphone sales in a country before Christmas, apple fans would go Armageddon on Samsungs a**. it would be a sorta negative marketing for Samsung.


Digital Marketer
I do own an android GTS5360 phone but not really a fan of it. Tried iphone 4s of my friend's and found it much smoother in terms of accessibility and the features. Of course, the design counts as well.

Now... from a different perspective.

Forget Laws. Forget patents. Forget S4. S3. S2. Lumia 920. Whatever.

Over the years, or months, there's one important thing I've observed and learned is that Apple has the best marketing team in the world.
What do marketers do anyways? Create perception, and get an ordinary fellow delve into their world of oh-so-great-products.

Which is where Apple has succeeded, and not only that, but succeeded by miles and miles. I really can't think of any other company in electronics as of now.

Think about it. Even if S3 has a good enough market share globally, even if android has more market share than iOS, why is Samsung still acting like a kid by promoting the "it doesn't take a genius...." sorta ads?

The Next Big Thing is Already Here -- Samsung Galaxy S III - YouTube

They already have the highest market share and they're still trying to get more share by hook or by crook. But this time, it's tough.
Samsung has realized how loyal Apple fanboys are. The ads actually made me laugh on Samsung. The vibrant perception that has kept the apple fanboys into, is extraordinary. Never have I seen another company trying to break a very tough perception like this of Apple. And Samsung knows it. And it's trying wayyyyy too hard to break that perception. Whether they'll really succeed or not, is another question. But personally, I'm just amazed by the marketing tactics used by late SJ and now... Tim Cook. We all know of what happens in a keynote session now. TK -> Jony Ive -> Scott -> TK
Might be insistent for many, but still, I'm just amazed by the amount of aura they create every time, during the keynote.

Maybe that's why some fandroid coined the term - Apple Fanboys.

The only big reason why I think people are hating/disliking/jealous of Apple / iphone is cause of the price tag associated with it. But to me, it's surprising that people are willing to buy something worth that price, even today, including Indians. And Samsung is definitely jealous of Apple's $50bil cash pile. I'm a person who gives equal weights to both hardware and software. Hardware for S3 has been below par. I just... didn't like the design. Its.. it just doesn't come to the liking. I'd rate Galaxy Y way more than S3, in terms of the design at least.

I can't really comment on iphone5. Cause unlike the majority of people who are blindly posting about the negatives of it, I'd rather test it out first and then give my input. But from the looks of it, plus I'm a big fan of design, I'd certainly want to try it out once. Some people end up saying "The phone isn't meant for a design. It's meant for 2 things - calls and text. Nothing else". Guess only creative people can really understand the power of a UX and UI.

PS: Just a general post, don't turn this into some silly debate. To each, his own. :)
PPS: Earlier I just used to like Marketing. But now, I love it.


Shocker: Samsung is 'likely to add' the iPhone 5 to its Apple lawsuit -- Engadget

Now its official. Samsung is gonna sue Apple for Iphone5.


as Kratos
Now It's Official!!



Took Off!!!
I do own an android GTS5360 phone but not really a fan of it. Tried iphone 4s of my friend's and found it much smoother in terms of accessibility and the features. Of course, the design counts as well.

Now... from a different perspective.

Forget Laws. Forget patents. Forget S4. S3. S2. Lumia 920. Whatever.

Over the years, or months, there's one important thing I've observed and learned is that Apple has the best marketing team in the world.
What do marketers do anyways? Create perception, and get an ordinary fellow delve into their world of oh-so-great-products.

Which is where Apple has succeeded, and not only that, but succeeded by miles and miles. I really can't think of any other company in electronics as of now.

Think about it. Even if S3 has a good enough market share globally, even if android has more market share than iOS, why is Samsung still acting like a kid by promoting the "it doesn't take a genius...." sorta ads?

The Next Big Thing is Already Here -- Samsung Galaxy S III - YouTube

They already have the highest market share and they're still trying to get more share by hook or by crook. But this time, it's tough.
Samsung has realized how loyal Apple fanboys are. The ads actually made me laugh on Samsung. The vibrant perception that has kept the apple fanboys into, is extraordinary. Never have I seen another company trying to break a very tough perception like this of Apple. And Samsung knows it. And it's trying wayyyyy too hard to break that perception. Whether they'll really succeed or not, is another question. But personally, I'm just amazed by the marketing tactics used by late SJ and now... Tim Cook. We all know of what happens in a keynote session now. TK -> Jony Ive -> Scott -> TK
Might be insistent for many, but still, I'm just amazed by the amount of aura they create every time, during the keynote.

Maybe that's why some fandroid coined the term - Apple Fanboys.

The only big reason why I think people are hating/disliking/jealous of Apple / iphone is cause of the price tag associated with it. But to me, it's surprising that people are willing to buy something worth that price, even today, including Indians. And Samsung is definitely jealous of Apple's $50bil cash pile. I'm a person who gives equal weights to both hardware and software. Hardware for S3 has been below par. I just... didn't like the design. Its.. it just doesn't come to the liking. I'd rate Galaxy Y way more than S3, in terms of the design at least.

I can't really comment on iphone5. Cause unlike the majority of people who are blindly posting about the negatives of it, I'd rather test it out first and then give my input. But from the looks of it, plus I'm a big fan of design, I'd certainly want to try it out once. Some people end up saying "The phone isn't meant for a design. It's meant for 2 things - calls and text. Nothing else". Guess only creative people can really understand the power of a UX and UI.

PS: Just a general post, don't turn this into some silly debate. To each, his own. :)
PPS: Earlier I just used to like Marketing. But now, I love it.

according to me Apple hardly does any marketing for the iPhone's, maybe they did for the initial few iPhone models back in 2007/08, but from then on iPhone hardly needed any marketing. have you ever seen an iphone ad on tv?? I haven't. apple's products hardly needed marketing, and this goes way back before the iphones. Steve Jobs was Apple's best salesman, and the rest would be taken care by apple evangelists and fanboys.
for eg we see numerous ads of private colleges on tv/newspaper, but has anyone seen an ad for the IIT's ??


Sith Lord
Staff member
its not about the stats on the device. iOS does react to others in the market. One marked focus in this round was the maps. Nokia first got it in, then WP8 followed, then droids, and finally iOS got their own mapping service. This fails in comparison to google maps here, compare that, lol about something like that instead of stats.
buying an iPhone here is a troublesome decision. When it's not about jailbreaking and unlocking, iTunes is unavailable here, the app store could have supported more local cards, and the apps could have been listed in the local currency. International warranty is not available here, and so some of the local support guys wont touch, or even look at a model from outside india. these are some real prolems facing iOS users here, not what specs some droid has.
apple is overprotective about it's own services, google maps is no longer an option, google services in general have stupid apps compared to those on droids. The app approval process is pretty random, and takes too long. Some services are banned for competing with apple's own alternatives. It's sad that OnLive isnt in there yet, they are just waiting and waiting for an approval, maybe we could have had Steam and Play otherwise, that could have potentially paved the way for nintendo and sony. These are some problems facing iOS users everywhere, again, not at all the prolems facing SIII purchasers, or those interested in comparing the specs of a single device.
IAP + freemium are single most popular way apps make money in iOS, and that too works of spectacularly, or fails horribly. It is very much like winning a lottery, a very tough terrain to navigate. Play is a long way away from getting to this point, but it looks very likely that WP8, BB and Droids too will get there. Being walled, is one of the important reasons that gardens will grow well. A 3 year old iphone will support waay more of the latest games than a 3 year old :troll: droid.
right now the ios app store is at the cutting edge of how humans interact with machines. It is incredibly competitive, and there is consumer is simply spoiled for choice. Having an app on the app store is paramount, as important as a page on FB, if not more. Some companies dont have web sites, but they have apps on iOS.

it is not a mistake, or stupidity, or blindness to get an apple device, right now the way digital stuff works, it's worth it to pay 20K extra, it is a small price just for the privilege of using something for 7 days before anyone else, forget about a couple of months at least. Expect some of this logic to filter down to the real world. Sure more than 2 people got it for that price lol.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Forget Laws. Forget patents. Forget S4. S3. S2. Lumia 920. Whatever.

Over the years, or months, there's one important thing I've observed and learned is that Apple has the best marketing team in the world.
What do marketers do anyways? Create perception, and get an ordinary fellow delve into their world of oh-so-great-products.

Which is where Apple has succeeded, and not only that, but succeeded by miles and miles. I really can't think of any other company in electronics as of now.

I agree. Their marketing is the best. But, people go McDonalds, KFC and Starbucks because of marketing as well.

Think about it. Even if S3 has a good enough market share globally, even if android has more market share than iOS, why is Samsung still acting like a kid by promoting the "it doesn't take a genius...." sorta ads?

When the late Steve (|3low?) Jobs announced that he would go thermonuclear on Android, that was a real mature behavior, wasn't it?

They already have the highest market share and they're still trying to get more share by hook or by crook.

That's what Apple was trying to do last time, IMHO, and it will continue to do so to conquer Samsung's or any other phones market share. Android is the prime target here.

Samsung has realized how loyal Apple fanboys are. The ads actually made me laugh on Samsung. The vibrant perception that has kept the apple fanboys into, is extraordinary. Never have I seen another company trying to break a very tough perception like this of Apple. And Samsung knows it. And it's trying wayyyyy too hard to break that perception. Whether they'll really succeed or not, is another question. But personally, I'm just amazed by the marketing tactics used by late SJ and now... Tim Cook. We all know of what happens in a keynote session now. TK -> Jony Ive -> Scott -> TK
Might be insistent for many, but still, I'm just amazed by the amount of aura they create every time, during the keynote.

What do you base this on? Besides, its more like this :

Samsung is walking on the street, minding its own business.

A wild Apple appears.

Apple uses lawsuit. It is super effective.

Samsung's turn.

Maybe that's why some fandroid coined the term - Apple Fanboys.

Who coined "Fandroid"? And why?

Besides, this is how most Apple Fanboys behave :

Image source

The only big reason why I think people are hating/disliking/jealous of Apple / iphone is cause of the price tag associated with it. But to me, it's surprising that people are willing to buy something worth that price, even today, including Indians. And Samsung is definitely jealous of Apple's $50bil cash pile. I'm a person who gives equal weights to both hardware and software. Hardware for S3 has been below par. I just... didn't like the design. Its.. it just doesn't come to the liking. I'd rate Galaxy Y way more than S3, in terms of the design at least.

People also vote for corrupt ministers. Besides, the real reason people hate Apple (or Android) is because of the fanboys. I agree that Apple makes great devices, but the fanboy's elitist mentality (like illustrated above) is what causes conflicts. Like, if someone supports a team, they will always cheer for their team and will sneer at those who cheer at the opposition.

I can't really comment on iphone5. Cause unlike the majority of people who are blindly posting about the negatives of it, I'd rather test it out first and then give my input. But from the looks of it, plus I'm a big fan of design, I'd certainly want to try it out once. Some people end up saying "The phone isn't meant for a design. It's meant for 2 things - calls and text. Nothing else". Guess only creative people can really understand the power of a UX and UI.

PS: Just a general post, don't turn this into some silly debate. To each, his own. :)
PPS: Earlier I just used to like Marketing. But now, I love it.

This makes more sense than anything you've said before.


Sith Lord
Staff member
k marketing is good
dominated the commentary

Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course…it probably isn’t. The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.

Apple’s Magic Is In The Turn, Not The Prestige | TechCrunch

instagram stuff is true, coz all the photos on instagram were of the exact same quality till the influx of photos from droids, (they even all loaded uniformly as fast) its was as bad as flickr turning into tinypic overnight, this is not just elitism, and in any case another change was fakebook taking it over... all of this only re-enforces the fact that the experience of an app transcends the experience of a device, this is relatively rare though, even the trickle of droid users are a welcome addition in most iOS environments that are struggling for a wider paid userbase


In the zone
wow another legal battle on its way ! .... they don't spent profits on charity so let 'em spend some in court rooms !!!


Lost in speed
Another war on the rise.

SSB Vs Apple
Apple accused of ripping off famous Swiss clock design | Apple - CNET News


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Another war on the rise.

SSB Vs Apple
Apple accused of ripping off famous Swiss clock design | Apple - CNET News

This is really dumb. The app is software and the clock is hardware, there is nothing to argue about.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
as the iPhone 5 discussion thread is locked im posting this here :p
The Amazing iOS 6 Maps :lol:
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