Samsung expected to sue Apple over iPhone 5


Digital Marketer
according to me Apple hardly does any marketing for the iPhone's, maybe they did for the initial few iPhone models back in 2007/08, but from then on iPhone hardly needed any marketing. have you ever seen an iphone ad on tv?? I haven't. apple's products hardly needed marketing, and this goes way back before the iphones. Steve Jobs was Apple's best salesman, and the rest would be taken care by apple evangelists and fanboys.
for eg we see numerous ads of private colleges on tv/newspaper, but has anyone seen an ad for the IIT's ??

Marketing. Is not all about advertising. It's about keeping the consumer under a certain environment. Yes, even through keynotes. Presentations. Anything works.

@desMond David -

1) When the late Steve (|3low?) Jobs announced that he would go thermonuclear on Android, that was a real mature behavior, wasn't it?
Ugh, we all know how he was. There's nothing to hide. I'll skip this.

2) That's what Apple was trying to do last time, IMHO, and it will continue to do so to conquer Samsung's or any other phones market share. Android is the prime target here.

That is already assumed in the post my friend. I was expecting something else. My point was more on breaking the toughest perception ever. (read: TG-iphone users)

3) Samsung has realized how loyal Apple fanboys are.

I think it's not just about suing Apple back. I feel it's how samsung wants to penetrate into the consumers mind and tell him that see - S3 is far superior than iphone 5. I'm talking about consumer behavior and perception here, David. Nothing else. Please keep that in mind.

4) I disagree with you that the real reason for hating apple is cause of the fanboys.Yes, it's part of the entire fight. But It's more of like - omg this product is so elite and just because I can't afford it, i'm gonna hate it. It was there on WSJ a few months back as well. Specially in India, people unknowingly hate iphone just because they can't afford. There was a seminar conducted in my college and the biggest reason why students *dislike* iphone was cause of the price factor. Had they be earning and saving enough, they'd be glad to get one. Yep, it's 100% true and for many. Don't go on saying that just because a person can afford s3, a person can afford iphone 5 as well. That's a different league altogether. :)


Also, I was wondering when will the nano chips come out in India?
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Took Off!!!
Marketing. Is not all about advertising. It's about keeping the consumer under a certain environment. Yes, even through keynotes. Presentations. Anything works.

yea, apple has had that environment since steve jobs returned to apple, millions would watch an apple keynote presented by steve jobs, millions would believe in him blindly, like I said he was their best salesman. people are awed by his life. its a marketing scheme apple stumbled upon by mistake not by choice. now its left to Tim cook and Jonathan ive, hardly anyone cares about a samsung, htc or sony keynote, so they resort to spending millions in marketing/advertising.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Someone else is also prepping:-

Iconic clock design stolen by Apple? by



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
@ DeSmOnD dAvId: Who's that guy/gal in FB? Another die-hard apple fan?

I found that image on imgur, It's not mine. I posted the source link below the image.

Sadly, most apple fans I've encountered have such a perception.

Great. Iphone 5 users already reporting tons of display problems. This one is so fail.

Stevie is being missed I guess.

A video confirming the display problems :



Sith Lord
Staff member
oh come on now
getting sick of this intensive campaign of misinformation and trolling, even ex apple device owners are suddenly going all moral over apple, citing everything from lawsuits, to wages paid in the manufacturing units, to the devices being un recyclable to how much bill gates has donated to charity, no one has even bothered to dig up so much information or scrutinize about intex, or mmx, or htc, or sammy, forget about ps, xbox, wii, and all the other devices made in the exact same way
ok, so cults are not cool, and it's natural to hate them, but seriously, is a device or the ecosystem worth getting polarized over? droids are not a cult at this point?
just, please, stop it, apple is a wonderful company, it does not deserve all this hate, pretty sure more droids, bbs and nokias have to get recycled than iphones, because even one that's no longer officially in commission is a pretty good ipod at least, nobody is throwing away idevices
don't you guys think that it is terribly brave of apple to hold out on blue-tooth, on mmc cards, a :censored: barometer, customization and all that stuff that are apparently competition? in some ways it might not be changing the game much, but it is still setting a standard
reserve your efforts to hate to something that deserves it, like any company that passes on mediocre devices and markets it aggressively as something much more, apple is last on the list of doing this


Sith Lord
Staff member
^none of these policies are unique to apple
apple's protectionist policies may be killing onlive by not allowing it, but gaming companies themselves are killing the service by restricting multiplayer to other onlive players, or removing the multiplayer component altogether, so you can game on the cloud without downloading any files, but you can't play with others doing the same... it's kind of ridiculous. it's a disruptive, innovative idea that everyone is suppressing together
isnt nintendo or sony protectionist for not being on the app store? PlayStation Mobile gonna hit droids first
these patent laws are there to protect property that takes a lot of investment to develop, there is a legit framework where licenses are paid, droid manufacturers keep having to pay microsoft, havent figured out why yet, realistically, you can't suddenly make all of tech public domain, and it makes no sense to hate any company just because the system is messed up
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