Umm, actually the only place it is regularly available (cable+game+pre-order DLCs) is Snapdeal. I bought it from there, and 2 of my friends too. They refill their stocks regularly, just recently in X-mas sale, it was down to 2699/-
Are you sure its not an USB driver problem? Because when I installed custom drivers to make fastboot work with USB 3.0 in Windows 8.1 (its the worst PITA I've ever had with Windows and Android), the 3.0 port didnt recognize the Rocksmith cable any longer but the 2.0 ports did fine.
my pc has only usb2 ports.
and I thought about the drivers too but the drivers build automatically after I connect the cable but after I start the game the game refuses to detect the cable. It has been working fine so far but just recently it started pooping out. I have win8 on my pc.
Good thing I have ps3.