RE:Google Adsense Payment

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Cyborg Agent
I have a query regrading the Google Adsense Payment.

Can Google Adsense Payment be made via Paypal(or any other services similar to paypal)

If not Please tell me some sites for Blogging n Earning via Paypal(or Egold) by putting Ads


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Re: Google Adsense Payment

Yup! Google does support PayPal!

In fact, For Cheque, its around 150$ till they pay you! But for PayPal its just 20$ Minium :)

Edit: Sorry! I don't think PayPal option is available for us Indians :(, AFAIK, Its only for US/UK/Aus


Commander in Chief
Re: Google Adsense Payment

Another correction: Its a minimum 100$ that entitles you a check shipment and a minimum 10$ if you're calling it quits. Not 150$ :)

And no, Paypal isn't supported by Google for any country whatsoever. Just supports EFT (Unavailable in India), Secure Check Delivery and Local Check Deliveries.


Another Brick in the Wall
Re: Google Adsense Payment

The option that we have is Secured Express Delivery. The charges is $25.


Broken In
Re: Google Adsense Payment

i hav 35$ in my adsense acc ..which i earned 2 years u mean if i close my acc i will get those 35$???


No longer here..
Re: Google Adsense Payment

whats the rate at which the money is paid by google ? I mean how long does it take to make a 100 bucks in adsense ? I am speaking in general terms


Hey here is the aks
Re: Google Adsense Payment

Hey its not fixed.. it depends upon u and ur website or page where traffic comes.. U can make 100$ in one day or it could take many months.. All depends on ur content on website or page and their visitors


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Re: Google Adsense Payment

indian_samosa said:
whats the rate at which the money is paid by google ? I mean how long does it take to make a 100 bucks in adsense ? I am speaking in general terms
Depends on how much traffic your site gets! With Sites with 3k-5k Unique Visitors per month can get around 100$ per month (exceptions are 'Geek' Tech Sites, where 8/10 users use Adblock :rolleyes:)

There are some Click Groups which do illegal clicking of Ads, you'll lose even your legitimately earned money if you advertise your site to those click groups.

However, If you want to earn money online, I'd suggest you work as a Freelancer Developer or Designer! If you have PHP/Ruby on Rails/ASP/HTML/Javascript/Photoshop skills, you can earn nearly 15-25$+ for each work! And its extremely profitable!


No longer here..
Re: Google Adsense Payment

arunks and [xubz] thanks for the quick reply guys ..

Does the visitors have to click the ads ? If I want impression only ads then whats the take ?


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Re: Google Adsense Payment

indian_samosa said:
arunks and [xubz] thanks for the quick reply guys ..

Does the visitors have to click the ads ? If I want impression only ads then whats the take ?
Impressions do count! But nearly 3000+ impressions give you 1$! AFAIK, Image Ad impressions get more.


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Re: Google Adsense Payment

indian_samosa said:
Got it ... thanks again
And yes! Do not forget that Google is very good at tracking people! So don't keep reloading your sites/don't click yourself!

Remember, Earning traffic ain't easy! Just write some really good articles and traffic will automatically flow to you!


The Devil
Re: Google Adsense Payment

[xubz] said:
Depends on how much traffic your site gets! With Sites with 3k-5k Unique Visitors per month can get around 100$ per month (exceptions are 'Geek' Tech Sites, where 8/10 users use Adblock :rolleyes:)

That's right. Tech blogs don't earn you much, because your visitors are techies themselves, who either uses adblock or knows clicking on ads is useless. :))

The sites that pay the most are the ones whose visitors are dumb, like recipes sites, fashion sites and the usual girly sites. Also sites which sell stuff like if you have a site that sells books or DVD etc. The people who will come to your site are the ones who are willing to buy and they will click on anything.


Commander in Chief
Re: Google Adsense Payment

hpindia said:
i hav 35$ in my adsense acc ..which i earned 2 years u mean if i close my acc i will get those 35$???
Yes, you will. Anything above 10$ will be delivered if you choose to close your account. :)

@arunks - The case with closing is different than with the normal cheque deliveries for earnings. Read the FAQ for the closing terms yourself.


The Devil
Re: Google Adsense Payment

Does adsense pay at the exact dollar-to-rupee exchange rates or do they deduct some money? I have heard paypal do not pay at the exact rates. Is that true?
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