Rajasthan Govt. Bans Pornography

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kids in rajasthan now gotta ask their parents for increase in pocket money to cope up with the increasing prices of porn CDs and DVDs :)


Rishabh_sharma1990 said:
The Rajasthan government alerted by hearing that young boys and girls are seeing explicit content online and terrorists are using internet for most crimes. The Govt. paased a law that every person that goes to Cyber Cafes will have to give all information about him- name, address, age, school\college etc.
then he will be given an Identity card and all the information will be stored about him ! If he sees any restricted content or use internet illegaly, he will be inside " Prison " for a long time. Very good method to stop porn, isn't it ??:wink::wink:
no effect here


In the zone
Well at least we know in the back of our head that this is gonna make it even more fun for them lol.....


The Lord of Death
chesss said:
@Yamaraj or anybody else can explain wtf is going on in that pic??
Rajasthan CM, and a BJP leader, Vasundhara Raje Scindia is locking her lips with those of Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, of Biocon, in a party.

Our very own HOLA (Hot Old Lesb1an Action). Enjoy their hypocrisy!

Drizzling Blur

Devoted Metalhead \\m//
Yamaraj said:
Rajasthan CM, and a BJP leader, Vasundhara Raje Scindia is locking her lips with those of Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, of Biocon, in a party.

Our very own HOLA (Hot Old Lesb1an Action). Enjoy their hypocrisy!

ROTFLMAO, Comfortably morphed.


You gave been GXified
Well, theoritically Porn is banned in Lucknow too :-"

(psst, broadband + torrent are your friends :p)

But seriously, they should rather leagalize this or start sex education insted of banning it. Boys & gals still get red faces when they talk about condoms.


The Lord of Death
I don't understand the meaning of a "ban" in a free democratic country. It should be upto the people, and not governments, to decide what's good for their health and what isn't. They won't ban cigarettes, tobacco or pan-masala for that matter.



!! RecuZant By Birth !!
^^^ they wont ban drinks... coz they themselves are addicts...

AS I said./.. we could only debate for pages of pages in this thread...nothing is going to change in thier MONKEY HEADS!!!!


naveen_reloaded said:
^^^ they wont ban drinks... coz they themselves are addicts...

AS I said./.. we could only debate for pages of pages in this thread...nothing is going to change in thier MONKEY HEADS!!!!

And the donkeys tails. Hehe. And also dogs licks their own vomit this people do the same. :D
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