Radeon HD 4870/4850 official game performances charts

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W i d e S c r e e N

Ambassador of Buzz
According to Sources, the Indian Distributor of SapphireTech ran into some problems of logistics but they've got it sorted out now and they expect the card to be out in the market in a few days time

Also there's a good demand for 4850 so expect the price to be around 11,000/+
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Wise Old Owl
yea..and for all those heating issues-ASUS has come up with custom control panel for fan overrides so no problems at all from now :)


In the zone
4870 is released and it kicks nvidia GTX260 in many games
Only in GRAW2 test the GTX260 wins and in all other games HD4870 is clear winner

wats more it comes with GDDR5:D

and only costs only costs $299:):D

HD 4870 costing 299 kicks GTX 260 costing 399:D

if AMD had not released thses cards then Nvidia would have looted the money
AMD is back with bang


I will definetly buy any one certainly looking for 4870:D

There is a possibility to put it at 9k price to kill 9600 series and 8800 series in one shot.

It even kills 9800GTX and GTX+:D
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Wise Old Owl
well u can neglect GRAW 2 anytime in benchmarks.its not a nex gen game .the benches that matter the most are with crysis,cod,bioshock,grid,unreal 3 and that new sea game -i don't remember the name but its dx.10


In the zone
HD 4870 costing 299 kicks GTX 260 costing 399:D

if AMD had not released thses cards then Nvidia would have looted the money
AMD is back with bang

I will definetly buy any one certainly looking for 4870:D

It even kills 9800GTX and GTX+[/B]:D

U'r dead right,if amd hadn't delivered nvidia would surely have kept the current price levels and price the newer one way too high (the level it is now) for at least 3-6 months..
Thanks,AMD once again...
But,i really think the 55nm version of their new ones with more optimised architecture would considerably bring down the prices.(like what they did with 8800gtx-8800gt g92 version) by bringing down the bus width to 256-bit or a bit more expensive 384-bit or something..and just imagine what happens if they adopt ddr5(only for their next next cards),the performance jump would be immediate as will happen with intel adopting integrated memory ctrller..

But the way AMD(graphics division) is going,i'm quite optimistic that they'll be able to keep pace with that....


All games except crysis run on highest settings on previous gen hardware. Crysis requires next gen hardware. Nvidia clearly beats AMD in crysis. But since AMD gives way better vfm for mid range gaming, nvidia has to drop prices for 9800gtx. Which allows us to go 9800gtx SLI to get borderline playable fps on ultra high settings, a little more fps than 9800gx2. Unfortunately to go full SLI we have to use minimum 780i of any brand or EVGA 750i FTW edition, since PCI16x or PCI2.0 8x is bottleneck for crysis. But all nforce 700 series have bugs which prevent us from playing videos without system hanging. They are also not good at overlocking and have hot 35+w 70degree hot northbridge with noisy fan. This is unacceptable for a high end computer. Hence we are back to square one.
We still dont have system which can do basic tasks like playing videos as well do high end gaming like crysis.

Added to this is the fact that AMD overcharges for their cards in India. In US 3870 is priced at 9600GT price point. But in India its priced between 8800gt and 8800GTS. Actually its more closer to 8800GTS 512. So we cannot go vfm x38 crossfire like in US. We living in India are screwed when it comes to high end gaming. I hope AMD makes sure that pricing of 48x0 series in India is sane. The reason people dont buy AMD in India is because of their high cost and low performance compared to US citizens enjoying very low cost for low performance. Indians want vfm. AMD India office is near my house. I will visit them once and ask them "WTF is wrong with your heads. Do you want to sell in India or not!!"


Wise Old Owl
hehe, actually AMD prices here are already reasonable. Its the ATI-AMD price thats very high in here, and blame the manus like Saphire, MSI etc for that mainly.


ofcourse i am refering ati-amd when i say amd in the context of graphics card.
Its AMD's fault for not solving the chicken and egg problem. They should make sure that AMD cards are reasonably priced. This will start sale of their cards. Right now sales are nonexistant because of high price. Due to lack of sale, they are not releasing their 48x0 series. If they dont launch these cards in India at a competitive price, 9800gtx will remain at 19k. If nvidia, for silly reasons can start UMAP policy to hide prices of their cheapers graphics card, AMD can influence manufacturers to take measures to see to it that raedon cards are vfm.

W i d e S c r e e N

Ambassador of Buzz
I resisted to post this last night but wth,

when this post came up I started inquiring about how can i get this, found out the Sapphire sells it in my vicinity before that I thought that AMD India would help me find the locoal distri. .

So I called up the Amd Hyd office,

I : Hello is this ATI?
? : Pardon?
I : Is this ATI which is owned by AMD now?(amd got him started)
? : Yes.
I : I wanted to know about the latest ATI card released in the market?
? : (slience and he hungs up the phone)
I : (calls up the STD # again and asks why did he hung up)
? : Sir I dont know what you are talking about, the Officer comes in by 2 you should call by then.

@adithyagenius you need to kick some ass down there!


In the zone
AMD 4850 crossfire review and 4870 crossfire review from Guru3d

4850 crossfire costs $400:p
4870 Crossfire Costs $600:p
geforce GTX280 Costs $650 for single card:mad:

Even 4850 crossfire outperforms GTX280 by good 5 to 10% margin
4870 crossfire blows GTX280 out of charts

But in CRYSIS crossfire not working but AMD r working on driver update

The graphics industry is on serious Computation

Now we can play all latest games at maximum resolution that too all eyecandy turned on for just 11k for HD4850 (just guessing the expected price)

An conclusion from guru3d
guru3d said:
The soft-spot money wise are two cards setup in Crossfire. Especially two 4850's kick in as massive value, as for under 400 USD you get to play around with performance better than a GeForce GTX 280, so that's just real value in your pocket right there as you just saved 250 bucks. I mean the GTX 280 is just an astounding card, yet it is getting sodomized badly due to it's high price.
No kidding it is sick how much performance these cards combined can push, the 2-way GPU scaling is just really superb. Crossfire with two series 4800 cards definitely makes more sense than NVIDIA's high-end SLI money wise.
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Wise Old Owl
400$ for HD 4850?
techtree has reviewed one and has given India price @ 11.5k. Even HD 3870 which is @ 170$ costs 12k+ in here.
So HD 4850 shud be cheaper in US like 150~200$.

BTW techtree got one for 11.5k, palit HD 4850.

why need crossfire? HD 4870 X2 with 2GB GDDR5 will be out soon [July 28]. Its sure gonna be better than 2*HD 4870 in crossfire as X2's core clocks are higher than single 4870, and X2 comes with unlocked bios, ie the GPU clocks can be raised as high as 900 from 750 and usually for ATI, the X2 ones runs much cooler than single one.
Like HD 3870 X2 wont heatup higher than 60c while single 3870 touches 70c. Its due to special and massive cooling technique in X2.

So we ll have to wait till 4870 X2 comes out...wow 2GB GDDR2 memory, and the whole board is manufactured by ATI, and the manus just have to affix their names on it. So ATI promises better quality components than other cheaper manu variants.

Asus HD 4850 512 for 164$ on newegg
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Totally agree with you dude.I am waiting for 4870x2 too. You forgot to mention the main advantage for 4870x2. It will not have microstuttering and single PCI-e16x 2.0 mobos are much cheaper than full crossfire ones and not to mention mobo choice. I will buy 4870x2 when its 25k.


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