query regarding i7?

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Broken In
I've been reading around and most of you'll suggest i5 2500k I mean won't a i7 outperform i5 in games + I. The future I'm planning to buy i7 3770k I'm be doing video editing and hardcore gaming but Now I'm confused

The Sorrow

New to this forum
Re: I7 bad?

We suggest what's best for OP considering his budget and needs. If budget isn't a problem, then i7 is absolute rocker.


Broken In
Re: I7 bad?

Well let's say if I can buy a 3770k what would u say to that
Hardcore gaming and yes heavy video work

Il be using a separate gfx is 3770k a good choice or no
It has a 4000 inbuilt gfx but it's not gonna be useful if I use my gfx I am dam confused on what to do help

The Sorrow

New to this forum
Re: I7 bad?

For gaming both cpu and gpu are essential. So, when it comes to graphics, cpu's graphics doesn't matter that much. All matters it that how efficiently and brilliantly a cpu works along with a gpu to give you a decent gaming experience. Cpu and gpu are designed for what they can do best


Re: I7 bad?

First of all , Did you mentioned the thread title as "I7 Bad" ,OMG!???!!! :shocked:

Coming to the O.post ,In such cases , the CPU should be good enough , so as not to bottleneck the GPU performance.
If I were into hardcore gaming , I would have concentrated my money more on a Decent GPU rather than an extremely high-end CPU.Since , its the GPU performance that plays a major role in gaming.

AFAIK , core I5 will definitely not bottleneck a good GPU.Its a good proccy Indeed.

Spending the extra bucks will make you future-proof , definitely.
Its suggested only when you can surpass the performance given by the cheaper one , or when the future-proof factor comes into play.O/w save the Extra buck and Invest in a better Gfx card.

Ivory bridge proccessor will be highly beneficial if you are not utilising your dedicated gfx card , i.e using HD4000 only.O/W you will barely notice any performance difference.


Broken In
Re: I7 bad?

Well so shall I wait for a10 or trinity It has 7000 integrated right or shall I get this I'm gonna use a gpu I just need a great CPU screw integrated gfx suggest please


Human Spambot
Re: I7 bad?

Why do you need integrated graphics only? Trinity is not there to compete against i7 but its a great budget options for those who can't afford to get a descrete graphics card and want to enjoy games as long as possible. In your case a discrete graphics card is a must.


Re: I7 bad?

Hardcore gaming on an Integrated graphics is a very very bad idea indeed.

However , if you need a good CPU with good integrated Graphics processor , get a Ivory Bridge/3rd Gen Intel Core i5 or i7.They have a decent HD4000 intel graphics processor.


Cyborg Agent
Re: I7 bad?

Well so shall I wait for a10 or trinity It has 7000 integrated right or shall I get this I'm gonna use a gpu I just need a great CPU screw integrated gfx suggest please

Once you say to screw IGP but again talk about trinity & IGP stuff....

For raw processing power nothing beats an i7 proccy..
Pls mention BUDGET kinda thing...
Well for your ambitious stuff go for :-D i7 3960X + GTX 690 in QUAD SLI :-D


Gaming Unlimited
Re: I7 bad?

Get Core i7 3770k and a Z77 mobo. LucidLogix will use both HD 4000 and discrete graphic card to boost fps in games.


Broken In
Re: I7 bad?

Ahh trinity came to my mind well il go for i7 I need a beast processor

And about integrated gfx I was just asking bout trinity
Obviously il buy a gpu

I thought there cud be something just like 3770k without 4000 which would be cheaper
And budget for processor 21k

Ashis thanks nice answer


Broken In
Re: I7 bad?

will it still give me good performance as much as 3770k
inshort i just need the best processor
so i dont have to change it later on
im confused on that :(
screw integrated graphics just a great processor
i can keep updating my gpu not my cpu :(


BMG ftw!!
Re: I7 bad?

2600K is almost equal to 3770K. Actually, 2600K have better overclocking power.
As for gaming only, 2500K is the best choice which is available @~12.5K


Human Spambot
Re: I7 bad?

2600k is a great processor too. But if your budget allows you to go for 3770k then why not. Get it.


Broken In
Re: I7 bad?

Well but its sandy
any clue how much diffrence it will make switching to i7 2600k
new generation ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: I7 bad?

Well but its sandy
any clue how much diffrence it will make switching to i7 2600k
new generation ?
2% higher performance (doesn't matter) and much higher temperatures (not good for overclocking) with Ivy Bridge.

You can go with Ivy Bridge but that also means buying an after-market cooler even while running at stock. Sandy gives same perfromance at an overall much lower price.

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