:Write Protect Drive:
escription: This script will write protect a flash drive by using all the remaining free space.
::Modification: modifications are clearly marked by the <MOD> and </MOD> flags
::Last Synced with Awesome Script Version 1.3.5
::Author: xorangekiller
::Released: 10 December 2009
@echo off
::<MOD> the following code did not exist (it was handled by the awesome script)
::set the default errorlevel
set exitCode=0
::change the starting directory (if necessary)
set firstdir=NULL
if "%cd%\"=="%~dp0" goto writeprotect
set firstdir=%cd%
cd /D "%~dp0"
::attempt the write protect the drive (presumably a flash drive) by creating a dummy file to use all remaining free space
::this prevents viruses and such from attaching themselves to files or copying themselves to your drive
::this does NOT, however, prevent files from being deleted and replaced!
::<MOD>set current=writeprotect</MOD>
fsutil 1>nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel%==1 goto writeprotectNoAdmin
echo Write protect the specified drive by using all available free space.
echo To protect the current drive just type "current" at the prompt.
set /p userinp=Which drive would you like to protect?
::special cases of the variable
if "%userinp%"=="" set userinp=%cd%
if "%userinp%"=="current" set userinp=%cd%
::check to make sure that we have a drive path
if not "%userinp:~1,1%"==":" goto writeprotectPathError
nly use the drive letter, colon, and slash regardless of the path entered
set userinp=%userinp:~0,3%
if not "%userinp:~2,2%"=="\" if not "%userinp:~2,2%"=="/" set userinp=%userinp%\
::this check was implemented because of Cooper... DO NOT TRY TO WRITE PROTECT YOUR C: DRIVE!
if "%userinp:~0,2%"=="%systemdrive%" ( echo.
echo Error! You are attempting to write protect your system drive.
::according to my PL (Dave DiCarlo) using rehtorical questions in this manner is something New Yorkers primarily do
echo Are you sure you want to do that? I don't think so!
echo Press any key to try again . . .
pause >nul
::<MOD> "goto start" is not the proper reference
goto writeprotect )
::create a directory to hold the (potentially large) number of dummy files
::set /p userinp=%userinp%IamDummy\
::mkdir %userinp%IamDummy
set bytesfree=0
::capture the bytes free determined by dir and remove the commas (because fsutil doesn't like those)
for /f "tokens=3-6 delims==, " %%a in ( 'dir "%userinp%" ^| findstr /C:"bytes free"' ) do ( if %%a==bytes goto writeprotectEndLoop
if %%a GTR 0 set bytesfree=%%a
if %%b==bytes goto writeprotectEndLoop
if %%b GTR 0 set bytesfree=!bytesfree!%%b
if %%c==bytes goto writeprotectEndLoop
if %%c GTR 0 set bytesfree=!bytesfree!%%c
if %%d==bytes goto writeprotectEndLoop
if %%d GTR 0 set bytesfree=!bytesfree!%%d
if %%e==bytes goto writeprotectEndLoop
if %%e GTR 0 set bytesfree=!bytesfree!%%e)
::the EndLoop label is a hack to break the loop if necessary
::it is absolutely necessary to check if there is no space left free and break the loop
::although there IS such a number as infinity most computers cannot reach it within a reasonable amount of time
::so this is a good "workaround"
if %bytesfree% EQU 0 goto writeprotectComplete
::1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte; 1048576 Bytes = 1 Megabyte; 1073741824 Bytes = 1 Gigabyte
::1 gigabyte in bytes
set gb=1073741824
::determine the dummy file(s) to create
if %bytesfree% GEQ %gb% set bytesfree=%gb%
set filenum=0
::check to make sure that the dummy file does not already exist... it causes problems
if not exist %userinp%IamDummy%filenum% goto writeprotectCreateDummy
set /A filenum=%filenum%+1
goto writeprotectFileNumCheck
::create a dummy file
::echo Writing file %userinp%IamDummy%filenum% of size %bytesfree% . . .
fsutil file createnew "%userinp%IamDummy%filenum%" %bytesfree%
::check to see if we need to repeat the procedure with another dummy file (recurse)
::although infinite looping is generally not a good thing batch gives us no choice
::"The time has come for the cobra to come up and reveal himself. You will call me - Commander."
goto writeprotectCreateLoop
::brag by printing a message informing the user that we did our job successfully (hopefully, bytes free should be ZERO)
dir "%userinp%" | findstr /C:"bytes free"
::<MOD> "goto start" is not the proper reference
goto end
echo ERROR! You need administrative privileges to run this function!
::<MOD> "goto start" is not the proper reference
goto end
echo ERROR! You must enter a valid drive path!
echo Example: %cd:~0,3%
set /p userinp=Continue or Quit (C\Q)?
set userinp=%userinp:~0,1%
::<MOD> "goto start" is not the proper reference
if "%userinp%"=="Q" goto end
if "%userinp%"=="q" goto end
goto writeprotectDialog
::<MOD> the following code did not exist (it was handled by the awesome script)
::revert the current directory (if necessary)
if not "%firstdir%"=="NULL" cd /D "%firstdir%"
::exit the script but not cmd.exe
exit /B %exitCode%