I hear a lot of complaints about ADs in Digit, and I understand the reasons you complain. Personally, I'm torn between not wanting ads as a Digit reader myself, and needing ads as the Editor to keep production costs down. However, the "every second page is an AD" is more of an illusion than reality. There are very clear reasons for this:
1. Most advertisers always want their ads to be placed in the "early right hand pages". It's the bane of all publishing houses, not just us.
2. The reading in the sections in the beginning of the magazine are usually lighter, with a more "newsy" feel. I've done this purposely, taking into consideration advertiser demands, so that the more in-depth articles later are broken up less by ads. Imagine Tips & Tricks if it were left page content, right page ad?
3. A lot of studies have shown that the majority of us notice the right-page of a magazine first, and look at the left page second when flipping through. This is why advertisers always seem to want right page ads, and also why you notice the ads more.
4. The bombardment of ads in the earlier pages seems to leave you guys with an impression that the whole magazine is like that. In truth, a regular issue of digit has about 5:1 ratio or content:ads, which is a pretty good balance.
I just wish we could separate ads in such a way that you read 5 pages and then see an ad throughout the magazine, but I honestly don't think I'm going to be the one who revolutionizes the print industry and changes what media houses haven't been able to for a hundred years! Just like every editor, of every magazine ever made, I will keep trying though
As for 400 page content and 400 page ads, I would love nothing more, though I think writers, sales and production people will probably collapse from exhaustion about half-way through that issue... still, you never know... December maybe
We will however try and stick to the 5:1 ratio, or at worst 4:1, so if we ever get 100 ads, you can expect 400 to 500 pages of content
I will also ask echoplxx to upload the full DVD contents today.
For those who don't know already, Echoplxx (Sambhav) is trying very hard to fill in the rather huge gap Anorion (Aditya) left when he went off to pursue further studies. Let's all wish Aditya the best of luck for the future, and hope that he'll continue visiting us here on the forum.