How much ?
How much ?
does it include all the stories.............. as I used to have it almost 15 years back don't remember the publishers and it was almost 1500 pages, and stories were of full length not condensed.
Bought new Razer DeathAdder 3500dpi gaming mouse
Purchased The Complete Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle @0.3k from Western Book Depot in Guwahati.
@Sparx Congrats.
Its a 1405-page book.
I think its fully expanded.
@gaurav congrats
Congrats Gaurav. A wonderful hobby you have.![]()
@Gaurav- Congrats from a no book reader for past 8-9 years, (beside study books of course), it's a great hobby, you will get a new life someday unknowingly.
I'll get one for myself as its been quite long and the memory has faded and it would be great fun reading them again.![]()
congrats gaurav, i too a fan of Sherlock Holmes![]()
Costly Looking...
awesome mouse!! Congrats sparx.![]()