Post the weirdest dream that you had


I am the master of my Fate.
The Mind is a complicated structure to understand....:brainiac:
and the Subconscious mind is also very very powerful it keeps your memory for longer period.
and u can practically test it.

lets say somebody is talking on phone..and you are nearby and doing your own important work (so your mind is totally focused into your work..but @the same time your subconscious mind is capturing all the conversion going on by the nearby person (if not all at least some information is captured)...and after some time (it can be after days/months or year)..u know what that person was talking about & u will be surprised how your mind gave u the info even though u were not at all interested in it.

and this happens in our daily life
do note that not only by hearing but by your vision also subconscious mind is storing information..
like u just take a glimpse of a scene & forget about it (like u don't care at all) but what u saw is also processed by your subconscious mind

PS: we can't control subconscious mind it works automatically (so u r not the master/controller of it)
so sometime it works sometimes it doesnt


There is a conception that those who can remember their dreams have better memory power.
Also about the dreams in semi awake state :- I do have them as well but they get manipulated as the voices in surrounding change. It depends a lot on the real voices that goes into my ear while I am trying to sleep.

This is the reason why I always switch off television and music in the first place before I sleep.
You guys are lucky... I used to have interesting dreams when I was a kid. But somewhere down the line.. the dreams stopped being fun. Now when I get a dream like running after something, I dont know why but I realize that its a dream and wake up or some time just it ends and somthing else starts. Happens in case of horror dreams and dreams where I am having too much fun too. There is no fun in that.. Its so boring now :-(. God how I wish for a really bad dream like ones in the child hood, I remember some times I had dreams and when something horrific happens in them; it felt I had woke up but after sometime wierd things happened and I try to wake up again.. and it used to go one for a long time. They were so tense and pressure filled, but when I wake up and recall them they were fun.

Maybe you had seen those places somewhere because we only see in dreams what we have seen earlier, its not logically possible to see new places in dreams...

What about the monsters in dreams.. surely we dont see them in real life. I had dreams of people I have never met in my life. I know they are not real people but my impressions of people around me.I Remeber this one from 10 years back where I saw this girl (I still remember her face).. it was one of the happiest dreams I had and the girl was exactly how I wanted. As if I had recreated her in my mind with the best I like...
It may be ture that I cant dream about you, I mean exactly you... but I can paint a picture of you in my head based on my impresion of you.. and using different features of different people, I have met in my life. Like if I feel someone in the forum is bossy, i paint a picture of him with features of the person i know in real life who is bossy too..along with some others for his other traits.
I feel in dreams the mind does the same..


You guys are lucky... I used to have interesting dreams when I was a kid. But somewhere down the line.. the dreams stopped being fun. Now when I get a dream like running after something, I dont know why but I realize that its a dream and wake up or some time just it ends and somthing else starts. Happens in case of horror dreams and dreams where I am having too much fun too. There is no fun in that.. Its so boring now :-(. God how I wish for a really bad dream like ones in the child hood, I remember some times I had dreams and when something horrific happens in them; it felt I had woke up but after sometime wierd things happened and I try to wake up again.. and it used to go one for a long time. They were so tense and pressure filled, but when I wake up and recall them they were fun.

What about the monsters in dreams.. surely we dont see them in real life. I had dreams of people I have never met in my life. I know they are not real people but my impressions of people around me.I Remeber this one from 10 years back where I saw this girl (I still remember her face).. it was one of the happiest dreams I had and the girl was exactly how I wanted. As if I had recreated her in my mind with the best I like...
It may be ture that I cant dream about you, I mean exactly you... but I can paint a picture of you in my head based on my impresion of you.. and using different features of different people, I have met in my life. Like if I feel someone in the forum is bossy, i paint a picture of him with features of the person i know in real life who is bossy too..along with some others for his other traits.
I feel in dreams the mind does the same..

Its a scientific fact , that you can't meet people in I'm your dream that you haven"t seen ever in life. Maybe you don't remember them but must have met them in real/books/ideas etc.


Everyday, while traveling in college bus on the way to home, I stay in a semi-awake state. I see dreams but at the same time I also know that I'm in semi-awake state and I'm having a dream. I can also control my dreams if I focus. Then, if I get disturbed by sudden shock due to pot-hole or whatever, I'm also able to go into the semi-awake state in few moments and literally 'resume' the dream.

Maybe youre having lucid dreams, you can control them too :)
Next time youre in such a state, look at your watch, or any text, then look elsewhere and look at it again, If you see it changed/distorted etc. Youre in a lucid dream. Or maybe push a finger into your palm and it will most probably pass through your palm.
Next step is to not get very excited or you may disrupt the dream, try jumping high, you will fly, you can summon things too.
It will take time, but its very much fun. You can do whatever you want....I wish I had such dreams.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Have attempted to fly when lucid, done it a few times, but a lot of other times can only hover or float aimlessly without control


cool, will explore these links...:)
@lucid dreaming: reminded me of the discussion I had with my sister. We were discussing it after seeing inception, that is it possible to know in a dream that we are dreaming. It's actually too difficult to realize that, but some books suggest that it can be done i.e lucid dreaming, one can keep a dream diary, in which we start to jot down everyday what dream we had, it can start with not remembering what dream had we seen, to actually remembering all the details..there is also one thing, we never clearly see our hands in a dream,they always appear blurred, it's as if we are looking straight always with no peripheral side vision, has anyone experienced that??

i had always been lucid dreaming since childhood, not everyday, but it's often, sometimes it's like in 2-3 subsequent nights or sometimes once a week, the key for me that works is that the dreams i can control are mostly the one's at the end of the sleep, i.e, if you are sleeping at 11pm and gonna wake up at 8am, the dreams in time period of 6-8am are gonna be lucid dreams.. :p

Its a scientific fact , that you can't meet people in I'm your dream that you haven"t seen ever in life. Maybe you don't remember them but must have met them in real/books/ideas etc.

that's bullshit, i can guarantee that i had seen numerous faces in my dreams (as i lucid dream, i still remember some of them.. :p) that i'd have never seen in my life, it's like i'm walking with a girl somewhere, that girl would have a face that i'd have never seen, it'd be something my mind makes up by itself, i think though it takes facial features of the girl from different girls i meet in real life, and combines best possible facial features into one "Dream" Girl.. :p


i had always been lucid dreaming since childhood, not everyday, but it's often, sometimes it's like in 2-3 subsequent nights or sometimes once a week, the key for me that works is that the dreams i can control are mostly the one's at the end of the sleep, i.e, if you are sleeping at 11pm and gonna wake up at 8am, the dreams in time period of 6-8am are gonna be lucid dreams.. :p

that's bullshit, i can guarantee that i had seen numerous faces in my dreams (as i lucid dream, i still remember some of them.. :p) that i'd have never seen in my life, it's like i'm walking with a girl somewhere, that girl would have a face that i'd have never seen, it'd be something my mind makes up by itself, i think though it takes facial features of the girl from different girls i meet in real life, and combines best possible facial features into one "Dream" Girl.. :p

Those new faces and imagery are perceived as a combination of known elements even though they may seem unfamiliar to you at first thought but still they are based on real world entity lost somewhere in some memory channel of your grey matter.
We do come across several hundreds of thousands of faces in our lifetime.
What would be interesting to note would be the dreams of someone kept in solitude and loneliness forever.

I cannot assure that this claim holds true for sure because dreams themselves are such topic of extreme controversy.


Just on a side note : IMO, One should avoid setting assurance and guarantying theories for subjects like this.


Sith Lord
Staff member
pinch of salt. Pretty sure you cant dream of unknown faces of people who really exist, but can see made up faces
Text need not be scrambled

Movie waking life has lots of discussion on lucid dreams, one trick mentioned is to find a light switch, the level of light remains the same. (never tried)

Anyone had a dream in third person? the dream is centered around someone else and you follow them like a camera.


What amuses me is "our ability to remember dreams."
That is a fact and seems to connect many dots together.

Allu Azad

Time Ruins Everything
I had an Inception like dream and I explained it in detail on irc (#krow) that day . I remember only bits now . Will have to dig up irc logs !


pinch of salt. Pretty sure you cant dream of unknown faces of people who really exist, but can see made up faces
Text need not be scrambled

these things are deep, i am pretty sure in myself that i haven't seen several people in my dreams that i don't remember meeting them ever in real life, but as it's said, it might be some projection of a face i might have seen in real life for a split second, which got somewhere stored in my subconscious mind.. :)

Movie waking life has lots of discussion on lucid dreams, one trick mentioned is to find a light switch, the level of light remains the same. (never tried)

Light switch trick is good, but acc. to me, the most easy one can be either look at a digital clock or a mirror, A digital clock will be frozen on a particular time, won't run, and if you'd look in the mirror, you'd mostly see a distorted version of yourself, like a ghost or something, if you try, you could easily find these things nearby and they make it easier to distinguish b/w reality and a dream..

Anyone had a dream in third person? the dream is centered around someone else and you follow them like a camera.

Many times, mostly when i am following my gang leader on a bike.. :D


I am the master of my Fate.
same here, but i never remember his face.. also I was not able to run .. just my legs are not taking speed some how .. so freaky..
i had same chasing dream in the past more than once..and it feels like even though I m trying to run but can't move an inch bcoz the ground is slipping like a trade mill


Had a dream about GTA 5, i was in some hospital and there was a big hallway, then a text in san andreas font said "go to "something i cant remember" to fly blimp"...I saw a stunt video the day before where franklin lands on an atomic blimp, i think thats the cause for this dream, was also thinking how if someone will find a way to fly the blimp without the preorder code before sleeping...

No joke
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