Gta 4 clips are fake, not a single clip had 'Hey Niko, this is Roman, let's go bowling'[YOUTUBE]GWVtZJo-HqI[/YOUTUBE]
any body completed this game ? how much time it takes for a 100% ?
Such realism. I hope this was not from the game, just animated one.
while i was playing ta5 online, i suddenly got transported intoa strip club and a player kept dropping about 2 millions..i took it and spent half of it already...wil li get banned? please help
while i was playing ta5 online, i suddenly got transported intoa strip club and a player kept dropping about 2 millions..i took it and spent half of it already...wil li get banned? please help
Lol...nope. People do that all the time,but don't ever bank the money. You should be safe.
I first deposited into bank, then I purchased 3 cars and 2 bikes. Now I have around 900,000 in my account. Should I spend all of it?
and if yes, any suggestions to spend it anywhere? house or foreclosure?
It doesn't matter if you spend or keep it for later. If rock star detects it, they'll wipe clean your account and make you start from scratch after ban for 2-3 weeks.
It all depends on how much money and what method of exploit was used to drop money bags. (2k bag,40k Bag or 200k bags). Some are safe and most or not. If you're not banned within a week of money drop, you're safe.
while i was playing gta5 online, i suddenly got transported to a strip club and there a player kept dropping about 2 millions..i took it and spent half of it already...will i get banned? please help
the ladies were not picking up the money. So I took it.Someone fired a gun there so they ran inside.The money were for the ladies. Obviously you will get banned now.![]() I have to buy items wworth 900,000 $ any suggestions ?
I have already bought carsa and bikes..should I buy aircraft?