Open SUSE or Ubuntu - Which is better for someone moving from Windows?

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Console Junkie
kalpik said:
^^ SuSE has graphical tools to configure almost everything, and usually if you try to edit something manually, it screws up really bad.. Ubuntu also has a lot of GUI utilities, but manual editing has never been a problem :)

Have you tried this on openSUSE 10.3? I think they have made a change and you can edit what you want using CLI, and you do have YaST in CLI.

The only problem with SUSE is the package management. But coming from fedora for 2 years, I don't think he is going to mind.

And even SUSE provides one click install and one click multimedia support from 10.3 onwards and now it is even there for 10.2.

I have used both SUSE and Ubuntu and I never really liked Ubuntu.


left this forum longback
opensuse for eyecandy and fscking bad for using rpms.infact every rpm distros
For a newbie,no doubt default Ubuntu 7.10 Gnome is the best.for low bw ppl shud get Ubuntu DVD!.

Suse shud have been easily no.1 if they changed from rpm package manager to apt and dpkg.
So for newbies,Ubuntu!even for power users too.


Console Junkie
^^ I think we have discussed this many times. Why don't you drop a line? I have, 'Improve package management or move to deb' in a survey conducted there.

And Sumit is not a newbie, he says he used fedora for 2 years.


18 Till I Die............
QwertyManiac said:
6. Stability - Can anything be more stable than a Linux Kernel? ;)
BSD kernels?
QwertyMaciac said:
Say, a KDevelop app. on Ubuntu is same as one in SUSE or Fedora. Takes the same space, gives the same look, stability, everything.
Not always. Novell, RH usually modify a few of their apps from the upstream versions. You will usually see Novell version. Then another I have observed is that only the gaim of Fedora can transfer files with Yahoo Messenger, not the upstream version. There are quite a few such distro specific differences always.


Commander in Chief
Those are pretty rare. And its not necessarily spread to all applications alike. Like, A has B but C doesn't have B but has D. Minor differences apart, all I wished to imply was, don't waste your time choosing, pick one up and get over with it.
QwertyManiac said:
What you need to understand is, beneath the superficial enhancements made in each distro there is, everything is almost the same.

I understand that. i just wanted to know what can be achieved right away after installing, without a lot of tweaking and downloading. I have done all that, right from compiling builds of both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels to troubleshooting early XFree86 issues with th i810 driver. Point is, i want to know, what had changed in linux that with a windows users point of view i can admire.

Out of the box functionality has always been improved with each new version of linux distros, that i know. I just wanted an update from some of the respected linux users of this forum like you.

Anyways, thanks for the link. It provided ample information. I must've asked for it firsthand.

Thanks Everyone!



"The Gentleman"
y do u guys take so much time to choose a distro, is it so tough like choosing a bride ;).
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Evil Genius
If you are shifting from Windows to Linux, I recommend Ubuntu because of the following reasons:

1) Ubuntu has THE best community support there is..which is something you will desperately need when you are a Linux newbie.

2) Ubuntu has THE best support from third party companies with regards to software, hardware drivers etc etc.

3) Ubuntu works out of the box with every damn piece of hardware there is...I can't say anythin about OpenSUSE as I have not used it, but Fedora, PCLOS, Sabayon, Sidux and ZenWalk all fall short when it comes to sheer compatibility out of the box.

4) Its Ubuntu!!!!! :D Go for it!
vish786 said:
y do u guys take so much time to choose a distro, is it so tough like choosing a bride ;).

Dude, when u have to work side by side on a production windows environment and a personal use linux environment on same lappy, you cant go wrong again and again. I have to take an informed decision since i have been cut off from te lin world for some time, and am unaware of new things.

faraaz said:
If you are shifting from Windows to Linux, I recommend Ubuntu because of the following reasons:

1) Ubuntu has THE best community support there is..which is something you will desperately need when you are a Linux newbie.

2) Ubuntu has THE best support from third party companies with regards to software, hardware drivers etc etc.

3) Ubuntu works out of the box with every damn piece of hardware there is...I can't say anythin about OpenSUSE as I have not used it, but Fedora, PCLOS, Sabayon, Sidux and ZenWalk all fall short when it comes to sheer compatibility out of the box.

4) Its Ubuntu!!!!! :D Go for it!

i am not actually shifting from Windows, I use both windows and linux side by side. I just have been away from linux for some time.
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Evil Genius
@Krazy: Ah, bad. In that case also, I'd say Ubuntu best, and has the best features...and also, I love to use Ubuntu because of the .deb system of package management. I used PCLOS (rpm) and Sabayon (emerge) for almost a year and a bit...not too happy with either for installing software and upgrading and things like that.

OpenSUSE, I don't have too much experience...but I will tell you one thing...I have been distrohopping for a good year and a half now, and Ubuntu is the ONLY distro I have used regularly for any length of time (6 months now!) ...

Its because its THAT good! :)


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
I have used OpenSuSE 10.3 too, but still, id vote for Ubuntu over OpenSuSE anyday.. For reasons i and many others have already mentioned above.. Rest, its your choice :)
Ok. I'll go with UBUNTU. I sincerely hope Digit will be giving its DVD in the December anniversary issue, There is a huge demand for it. :) They are giving SUSE 10.3 this month.

Hey Guys, Any comment on Linux Mint?
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Evil Genius
@Krazy: Mint is very meh...they add things like codecs, java etc to it out of the box..but it takes like 2 mins to install that on a fresh Ubuntu install for all the attraction of Mint for that aspect is gone. In addition to that, kudos to Clement Lefebvre and all...but I HATE the Mint look, and Mint Install seems to me like a completely unnecessary addition, especially after excellent package management systems already...

Maybe for total noobs who cant live without .exe files it is value addition...but not for me. On top of that, mint update is waste...Update Manager works perfect for me...and I HATE the Mint MENU...its horrible for usability! Ubuntu's 3 menu system is way better...

Apart from that, Mint's got Ubuntu stock is best for me.


Ambassador of Buzz
Well trust me on this , i started getting interested in linux about 2 years ago and then i found Suse , ubuntu and all pretty much the same ( from a basic newbie view )
After tons of uninstalling reinstalling and uninstalling ..
(you get the picture right?) I have settled with Ubuntu. Why ? Main reason - great community support. is THE best community website you'll find. The IRC channel is also very helpful. You can settle into any of the main distros easily , its a very user specefic choice. But help wise , Ubuntu has a lot of it and its fairly easy to use. Also Ubuntu 7.10 comes with pre installed compiz-fusion. So .. ubuntu .. !
Mint is like a pre modded Ubuntu so if you are impatient go for that -
ill always go for ubuntu.
it got great support,GG has got great effects with compiz fusion.
am a linux newbie.
i have tried PCLOS,linuxmint,fedora 8 but i found ubuntu the best.
DL opensuse 10.3 right now but as the above comments suggest ubuntu ROX


hey Faraaz u don't like Mint coz u dont know wat's the nightmare of installing linux by a newbie with a DAilup conn
ya i know Ubuntu is Awesome go for it ;)
yes was hopin For ubuntu GG this month fromDigit
Offtopic:means arnd 10 mbps.
Njoy buddy.
someday india will also have such gr8 speeds.
BTW is digit providing GG or opensuse 10.3 this month??
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