Open SUSE or Ubuntu - Which is better for someone moving from Windows?

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If you do not want to fiddle around with terminals then Open SuSE. If you don't mind using command line a little then Ubuntu. I must say the GUI has improved a lot with Ubuntu Feisty and the new Gutsy. There's a GUI for configuring lot of things in Ubuntu now.


Console Junkie
faraaz said:
^^ - Why?

I have given my reasons for using SUSE. Even wrote a review containing the things I don't like about it.

And I was speaking about the DVD being given with digit this month as Prakash said.


BSD init pwns System V
OpenSUSE Rocks, and with YaST in it you can do anything with your computer in the easiest manner possible, Its more powerful than the COntrol Panel of windows. Ubuntu doesn't have any kind of tool like YaST


left this forum longback
yes.but with low ram yast2 takes hell lotta time to configure even a small thing!that's where apt excels!
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