Nvidia unleashes the Titan


Titan will offer double the performance of GTX690, as said by Nvidia

Where did u get this from?:eek:

A single titan as per early reviews performs an average of 44% above a gtx 680 across different games.This places it at around 55-60% of a gtx 690,not the double performance you suggested.:rolleyes:

A gtx titan 3 way sli beats the gtx 690 quad sli.


Back to school!!
He he, 250 W TDP is really hard to believe. I don't agree on your explanation, no offence.
By TDP I mean nvidia's TDP :D

That means 250w=300-320w max load.

PS: I overlooked what he said, Titan=2x680, not 2x690, the TDP calculation still holds though.

Where did u get this from?:eek:

A single titan as per early reviews performs an average of 44% above a gtx 680 across different games.This places it at around 55-60% of a gtx 690,not the double performance you suggested.:rolleyes:

A gtx titan 3 way sli beats the gtx 690 quad sli.
Cr@p, I overlooked what he said, Titan=2x680, not 2x690. :|

PS: Titan will be a lot faster than 680, not 44%, reason, ok, nearly 75% more cores, more bus width hence more bandwidth, more vram, more compute units for PhysX etc, more tessellation engines, overall Titan should be 70-90% faster than 680.


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By TDP I mean nvidia's TDP :D

That means 250w=300-320w max load.

PS: I overlooked what he said, Titan=2x680, not 2x690, the TDP calculation still holds though.

Cr@p, I overlooked what he said, Titan=2x680, not 2x690. :|

PS: Titan will be a lot faster than 680, not 44%, reason, ok, nearly 75% more cores, more bus width hence more bandwidth, more vram, more compute units for PhysX etc, more tessellation engines, overall Titan should be 70-90% faster than 680.

Those 75% more cores are running at 15% lower speed. And very few games are VRAM limited at 1080p and even 1600p. Check the reviews of Sapphire 7970 6GB Toxic. I think, 70-90% will be best case scenario for Titan, on an average it will be far lesser.


Wise Old Owl
well 6 gb vram lol we could load a whole game in there..........

p.s: somebody create a new thread detailing all the new features of titan.........


Back to school!!
Those 75% more cores are running at 15% lower speed. And very few games are VRAM limited at 1080p and even 1600p. Check the reviews of Sapphire 7970 6GB Toxic. I think, 70-90% will be best case scenario for Titan, on an average it will be far lesser.
Sapphire toxic means nothing, because 7970 was designed from ground up to be using 3GB, it simple can't tap into the 6GB VRAM, sort of when you give 2GB VRAM to say GT640, but check out the memory controllers of tesla series(there was whitepaper), it can actually utilize that 6GB, also a note here, I mentioned this earlier, Titan will be relevant till 1018 2018, i.e 5 yrs instead of the standard 3yrs for high end gpu these days, that also comes in play with the Titan's value as a gaming card.

I think Titan=80-120% of 690, depending on games, also remember a very important fact, SLI does not yield 100% scaling, when you are comparing Titan to a 680, it may be 60-70% faster, but when you take into account the SLI, the Titan will have an extra edge over the 690, that's why we are seeing such odd benchmarks.
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Sapphire toxic means nothing, because 7970 was designed from ground up to be using 3GB, it simple can't tap into the 6GB VRAM, sort of when you give 2GB VRAM to say GT640, but check out the memory controllers of tesla series(there was whitepaper), it can actually utilize that 6GB, also a note here, I mentioned this earlier, Titan will be relevant till 1018, i.e 5 yrs instead of the standard 3yrs for high end gpu these days, that also comes in play with the Titan's value as a gaming card.

I think Titan=80-120% of 690, depending on games, also remember a very important fact, SLI does not yield 100% scaling, when you are comparing Titan to a 680, it may be 60-70% faster, but when you take into account the SLI, the Titan will have an extra edge over the 690, that's why we are seeing such odd benchmarks.

(Guess it's 2018) We'll see that. ;)


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I think this gen's cards will age faster, cause the primary two consoles will finally be on a level playing field with PC GPU.


Back to school!!
is everyone comparing titan with GTX 680 or GTX 690?
Both, if you take the 680, Titan is 60-70% faster, but if you take the 690 its about 80-120% of its performance, due to non 100% SLI scaling.

I think this gen's cards will age faster, cause the primary two consoles will finally be on a level playing field with PC GPU.
Trudat :cry:

Money....waste.... hell......


I am the night...I am...
Yeah even toms hinted at a performance between 690 and 7970 ghz ed CF.
Lets see.

In fact titan isn't an exact match to gtx 680 in terms of architecture.

Albeit the fp64 DP units, there are other differences like:

1. Shuffle instructions - These basically allow data sharing between warps ( thread clusters) directly without going back into memory. Gtx 6xx did not feature these instructions and relied on conventional load/store methods which was relatively slower.

2.Hyper Q - Hyper‐Q enables multiple CPU cores to launch work on a single GPU simultaneously, thereby dramatically increasing GPU utilization and significantly reducing CPU idle times.

3.Grid Management System -Think of this simply as a new and improved scheduler. Grids basically constitute work items or threads and their dispatch and execution is handled efficiently.

4. GPUDirect - GPUDirect is a capability that enables GPUs within a single computer, or GPUs in different servers located across a network, to directly exchange
data without needing to go to CPU/system memory. Lets say it directly access ssd's or even hdd's just like a conventional cpu does.

Its kind of build for HPC from ground up. It does not matches exactly with a standard kepler SMX.

So its not simply a kepler with 15% lesser clocks and 75% more SMX.


I am the night...I am...
Neither all those jargons are going to improve frame rates/gameplay experience magically. ;)

Those aren't jargons but are facts. ;)

High-End Meets Small Form Factor: GeForce Titan in Falcon Northwest's Tiki
Why is that previously people used to point out to compute as Advantage in AMD and Disadvantage in Nvidia and Now they completely ignore the Compute power of Titan?
Also why are not the power efficiency and heat generated important factors.... Dont you think the decreased cost of ownership and maintainance will be more advantage in long run; when compared to buying a GC for say 4k or even 10k less and paying extra for cooling and electricity bills?


I believe lower power consumption, lower noise, lower heat dissipation for some extra money is worth it. Reduced electricity bills (the power consumption difference is considerable), much lower system temperatures->higher overclocability.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sapphire toxic means nothing, because 7970 was designed from ground up to be using 3GB, it simple can't tap into the 6GB VRAM, sort of when you give 2GB VRAM to say GT640, but check out the memory controllers of tesla series(there was whitepaper), it can actually utilize that 6GB, also a note here, I mentioned this earlier, Titan will be relevant till 1018 2018, i.e 5 yrs instead of the standard 3yrs for high end gpu these days, that also comes in play with the Titan's value as a gaming card.

I think Titan=80-120% of 690, depending on games, also remember a very important fact, SLI does not yield 100% scaling, when you are comparing Titan to a 680, it may be 60-70% faster, but when you take into account the SLI, the Titan will have an extra edge over the 690, that's why we are seeing such odd benchmarks.

Well, the 7970 can utilize more than 3GB, particularly in BF3. And even the 680 can utilize more than 2GB, but not many games can push that far.

Why is that previously people used to point out to compute as Advantage in AMD and Disadvantage in Nvidia and Now they completely ignore the Compute power of Titan?
Also why are not the power efficiency and heat generated important factors.... Dont you think the decreased cost of ownership and maintainance will be more advantage in long run; when compared to buying a GC for say 4k or even 10k less and paying extra for cooling and electricity bills?

That's because both the cards were on level in terms of price, not the same with Titan. And the power efficiency difference doesn't translate to huge savings in electricity bills, unless may be, you are gaming or folding 24x7. By the time you will save that 10k, your card will be too old to be worth of anything.

Regarding heat, again, unless you are really putting your card in a SFF case, it's hardly a concern.


Back to school!!
Well, the 7970 can utilize more than 3GB, particularly in BF3. And even the 680 can utilize more than 2GB, but not many games can push that far.

That's because both the cards were on level in terms of price, not the same with Titan. And the power efficiency difference doesn't translate to huge savings in electricity bills, unless may be, you are gaming or folding 24x7. By the time you will save that 10k, your card will be too old to be worth of anything.

Regarding heat, again, unless you are really putting your card in a SFF case, it's hardly a concern.
Almost 60% less, something to think about, my current electricity bills go over 1k extra due to the PC only.
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