Ok the Clash of titans.. Differences in Logic.
Nokia had (past-tense) the Best UI. phones like 8110 was the easiest to use phones in the world.. U wanna accept a call open the flap. reject? no problem Quick open-shut of flap will reject the call.. Need to boost the volume?? Controls were on the the left side (a.la Samsung style) besides there were deidicated buttons for Accep and reject calls (In case u didnt like the Flap Open Close idea). and yes 2 Buttons for Navigation and a 'C' for quick deletion of messages and for other misc. tasks and a Scroll up and down. It sounds too many buttons, But trust me , it was sooo easy that even my mom could use it without any training....(mom's Gadget phobic)
and then Nokia came out 3210-3310 (both I have owned) had Single 'Navi' key which was supposed to make things less confusing.. But in reality it just made things a lil worse.. But still nokia had the best menu. Motorola T168 i had , had a more complex menu... So Nokia still ruled..
Then as phones became more and more feature rich, Nokia's Simple effective menu became too much bloated and too difficult. Epitome being 3650 (I still have one.. ) writing a message reqired too many button clicks (Nokia Menus feel text like..) Now Nokia's are sensible enuf to use more buttons for navigation. It still needs improvement but its getting there...
--Sony Ericsson--
Sony Ericcson Menu structure is so Simple. Its very confusing in the begining coz its on a different idea than Nokia. SE beleives more the button, the better.. And I beleive em.
Just take my T610 for example.
Two Soft keys
Left for Selecting something (Same task accomplished by pressing Depressing Joystick )
Right Button for more tasks (Like Message fowarding In Messages)
Left Bottom navi. is for return. Goes One menu structre UP.
right Navi key is 'C' cancel key.. (its like esc key in comp)
5-way Joystick.
Volume Up/Down
Cam utton
There is also an Online button ( That can be easily hacked to change it into Write a new SMS.. So i have a dedicated one button Create SMS Option!!)
Another Not much discussed feature in SE T68i Upwards is its Superb multitasking skill. How many nokia's can u access full menu??
Yeah u can access Messages.. Big deal , all phones can. SE can access FULL MENU!! that includes Camera , Picture editior , Music DJ, Voice Recorder and Playback, JAVA and Mophun Games, Everything.. (U can even Listen to ringtones and stuff damn it!!). Thats because SE uses Dual Processors in most of the Phones (SE T610 and T630 Uses a 8bit 12Mhz AVR processor for Phonecall and 32(or 16??)Bit 32Mhz ARM preocessor for multimedia functions). So it make really convinient if u are on Handsfree.. I some times play games and click pics when im on call.. (yeah thats while im on handsfree).
I may sound like a SE fanboy, But trust me I was a nokia Fan once.
I have used 8110,3210,3310,3510i (my friends owned 7650,3330,6610,2100 and numerable other models) but all of us have diverged to other brands (me had a Panasonic GD68, then Samsung C100) . All i can tell u is, Once we migrated out of Nokia, we were thankful that we did (that Includes my DAD who was dying to buy a Communicator, but on my insistance bought a p800!!).
All nokia Fan boys have used (a)only nokia phones OR (b) not used any new and good phones by other brands.
And lets not talk about Nokia build quality... They Used to be good.. But not anymore...
Samsung has better Build quality, (My Samsung C100 was drenched in WATER when it was on, It was in my Rain Jacket pocket when i was riding my bike and water leaked in.. When i took it out water was oozing out of charging port and keypads.. Phone didnt start.. Removed the battrey and left it overnight, and turned it on again , AND iT WORKED without any complaints!!! oh yeah Same phone once fell out of my pocket in a Isolated street when i was doing 60-80Kmph ... (Thankfully i picked it up before some car ran over it..)..And all phone did was show 'please wait ' for 3-5 secs and restared on its own and phone was good to go again!! Nokia's didnt give that kid of experiece,,, my friend Dropped his 3510i onece and Display died!! (and interestingly recoverd by Reflashing BIOS!! needless to say he sold his immediatley (though Mine is still in my cupboard).
But now Our family is Proud to be Completly Nokia free..
Mom Uses my Samsung C100.
My sis never lets her SE T610 out sight (its a good lookin fone complements her good looks

I swear by my SE T610.
Dad cant live without his P800 (Used my T610 for a week, but he is too addicted to his p800.. I'm still trying to get his p800

and Mind u Im the only Gadget Freak in my house...