Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC



Broken In
Yes the GPU is sitting quite correctly and is not loose.

Say if it was not sitting correctly, then in VGA mode it should not work right ?


Retired Forum Mod
set the IGP to disable in BIOS. also i think a fresh install of OS should solve the problem. or you already tried it?


its the problem with the drivers

first remove the gfx card
uninstall the drivers for the graphic card
then do a fresh install of drivers and then insert the gfx card

hope this helps

NOTE:the same problem was with a fellow forum member(hdknitro) and he did the exact same thing which i have pointed out and it worked out


Broken In
@Sam.Shab --> there is no Disable IGP in bios. Only "Enable If No Ext PEG" is there which is selected. And already tried 2 fresh OS's. Both XP and Vista 32bit.

@piyush --> Didnt try installing the gfx drivers first and then putting in the card. Will try once. But what you said means every time I need to install an OS, I would need to take out the card. Install OS + Driver and then put in the Graphics card ?? It doesnt really sound like an Ideal real world scenario :(


White Dino Ranger
I want a good PC that can play games like GTA Vice City,IGI etc. I want it under 30k.
I am an eleven year old boy. Please suggest me some good racing and GTA titles.


Retired Forum Mod
first remove the gfx card
uninstall the drivers for the graphic card
then do a fresh install of drivers and then insert the gfx card

i doubt this ever gonna work. ok, you try install driver. but the driver will try search the H/W & it'll fail or should fail cause the graphics card isn't there at all.

@Sam.Shab --> there is no Disable IGP in bios. Only "Enable If No Ext PEG" is there which is selected. And already tried 2 fresh OS's. Both XP and Vista 32bit.

did you (mistakenly) installed the Intel graphics drivers before installing the graphics card drivers?


Broken In
@Sam.Shab --> Initially when I hadnt bought the card, the intel driver was there .. when i bought card I plugged it, it loaded to vga mode and I installed driver and restart. Got problem then...
But since then I have tried 2-3 fresh OS Installs and did not install any intel gfx driver in between. Same problem :( :( :(

Even connected a monitor each to the gfx card and onboard card, but the onboard is not displaying anything, indicating its disabled as expected.

Perhaps there is something wrong with the motherboard, or graphics card or some incompatibility issue somewhere which I dont know about. Pretty frustrated by now. Thinking of visiting the shop ASAP. Damn the vx550 + Gamma is heavy.. will have a hard time carrying it :( to the shop. Good thing I got everything locally that too all from the same shop.

Will get them to with a diff gfx card and a diff motherboard.


laborare est orare
I think there will be some option in your BIOS like Display and the options will be like PEG (stands for PCI Express Graphics), PCI and Onboard. Normally Gigabyte boards have this kind of BIOS setting.
For running it from on-board graphics, set that option to On-board and set a size of memory that you want to be shared from your ram.
Now connect the display output to your onboad output and try. I think now it will show you display from your onboard. Uninstall all the unnecessary drivers installed.
Again restart your system and go to BIOS, set the Display to PEG, save it and switch off the system as no display will be coming. Now plug your GFX card, connect the display output to it and start the system.
Now install the latest catalyst driver. Hope this will work.
Actually some in of Gigabyte boards, the Display source needs to be modified manually.


Broken In
I think there will be some option in your BIOS like Display and the options will be like PEG (stands for PCI Express Graphics), PCI and Onboard. Normally Gigabyte boards have this kind of BIOS setting.
For running it from on-board graphics, set that option to On-board and set a size of memory that you want to be shared from your ram.
Now connect the display output to your onboad output and try. I think now it will show you display from your onboard. Uninstall all the unnecessary drivers installed.
Again restart your system and go to BIOS, set the Display to PEG, save it and switch off the system as no display will be coming. Now plug your GFX card, connect the display output to it and start the system.
Now install the latest catalyst driver. Hope this will work.
Actually some in of Gigabyte boards, the Display source needs to be modified manually.

Cilius, I did fiddle around with that Setting ... It has 2 options:
1) Onboard always enable
2) Enable when no external PEG. (This one seems correct)
Note : There is no only PEG option here or disable onboard option.

I tried both settings. First initialized device option is also there .. with options as PCI, Onboard and PEG. I tried all of thise too (PEG obviously seems correct)

None of these is actually working. I did not try replugging the card as you suggested though .. Will try once. But I dont really think it should make a difference. There must be some hardware issue or at least some incompatibility issue somewhere.


Retired Forum Mod
^^ updated BIOS? many times these simple flaws are fixed in BIOS releases. so try updating BIOS once. maybe that'll fix the problem.


Broken In
Hey .. dragged my PC to the shop and found out the new MSI 6850 was faulty. My system was able to run a Sapphire 5770 and a MSI GTX 460 without any issues.
The HD 6850 gave same issues on another Asus G41 chipset motherboard.

Just my luck. Banged my head and wasted so much time unneccessarily. New 6850s will take time till next week. Probably will get a replacement Sapphire card instead coz those are expected earlier than MSI. In the meanwhile have got the Sapphire 5770 as a standby card. Games are running fine (tried Mafia II and 007 Bloodstone).

Thanks for the help guys.


Broken In
@Sam.Shab --> Already can enjoy games. The 5770 runs Mafia II & some other games I tried at Max Settings. Will not miss the new card I guess so much. The guy was trying to give he a HD 4350 or some other crap as a standby though :D

@ssb1551 & @piyush --> I kinda already suspected that the card could be at fault, but didnt want to believe that a new purchase could be faulty. First time got something that came faulty out of the box. Hope these dealers dont try to pass faulty stuff from one customer to other and hope it works out for someone. Anyway mine seemed new with the type of platic fixed which once you take out cannot be reapplied.

And one observation regarding to one question I asked @ the very beginning of the thread.

"If I want to save money and take a lower end card like GTS 450, will the games look good @ 720p (1280x720) gaming on a full HD monitor rather than play @ 1920x1080 ?? "
The Answer is that I tried both these resolutions in Mafia at max settings. And sitting at a distance of at least 5 feet (I play with a Wireless K/M or Wired XBox Controller), I frankly couldnt make out any visual difference at all on my LCD monitor for the 5 mins each I tried. Maybe my monitor (BenQ 2420) really scales well at non-native resolutions.

Maybe this can be used as advice for ppl wanting to buy a system or graphics card on tight budgets. The details do matter very much but maybe resolutions not so much on 22-24 inch full HD screens.
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5670 can easily run games at 1600x900 so 1280x720 aint a big deal for 5770!!I think u'll notice the difference if you game at 1920x1080!!


Broken In
@ssb1551 -> What I meant was that I didnt notice any difference with the 5770 at 1920x1080 and 1280x720. With max details everything looked the same to me in both resolutions sitting a few feet away.

So what I was trying to say is that people looking to save some money can go for a lower end card and play at resolutions like 1280x720 on a full HD monitor with max settings and not really worry about missing out 1920x1080 gaming thinking it will be twice as good. High settings can be kept on lower resolution as well with a decent card like GTS 450 or as u said even a HD 5670.
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