Need help in Assembling Budget Gaming + Entertainment PC



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The site has all the links to various reviews of the 6850 and 6870


Replace the * in the above url with "a"

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
that pricing will be toooooo much sweet.
6850 beats gtx460 and at 11k as your bhavishawani goes will be excelllent. and so goes with hd6870 and hd5850.


Broken In
Hey Guys.
At last the day of waiting is here.
HD6850 seems to be finally available (almost) in India @ 11.2 as per Lynx Website.

So this is the better buy comprated to the GTX 460 (1GB/768Mb) Right ?

Once this is decided I'll finally get my rig :)

The newly launched Sapphire 6800 series would be available starting tomorrow. Please book your orders for 6870 1gb and 6850 1gb. Preorder and be the 1st one to give the review.Click here for the pricing. ? Lynx - The Audio , Electronics And Compute

The newly launched Sapphire 6800 series would be available starting tomorrow. Please book your orders for 6870 1gb and 6850 1gb. Preorder and be the 1st one to give the review.Click here for the pricing.
The Sapphire 6870 would be available starting tomorrow and 6850 would be by the week end. Only limited pieces are arriving. Prices would be 14700 tax paid for 6870 and 11200 for 6850.


@11.2k 6850 is a sweet deal as it performs better than GTX460 which is for almost the same price range!!
Someday we'll c GTX470 down to 13k!!


Broken In
hey .. a sudden offer I got ...

Instead of a new Athlon 635 + 880G Mobo + 4GB DDR3, I am getting a used Core2Quad Q9550 + 4GB DDR2, just need to buy a LGA 775 Mobo which should be under 3k i hope. Suggest a good Mobo please.

How will the gaming performance be with the Q9550. Oh and I need a HSF for the 9550 too. How much will that cost? Mobo + HSF. Shall i look for a used/new stock Intel HSF or shall I take a cooler like CM 212+?

I know the LGA 775 is already end of life, but so will be the new 1156 or AM3 sockets in a year max. And as it is I wont be upgrading probably. At max I may upgrade to a 6 Core Phenom after 1-2 years.

So guys, used Q9550 vs New Athlon 635 ???

Rest all stuff (Cabinet CM 430 +SMPS vx 550 +Graphics Card HD6850) will be common.


laborare est orare
hey .. a sudden offer I got ...

Instead of a new Athlon 635 + 880G Mobo + 4GB DDR3, I am getting a used Core2Quad Q9550 + 4GB DDR2, just need to buy a LGA 775 Mobo which should be under 3k i hope. Suggest a good Mobo please.

How will the gaming performance be with the Q9550. Oh and I need a HSF for the 9550 too. How much will that cost? Mobo + HSF. Shall i look for a used/new stock Intel HSF or shall I take a cooler like CM 212+?

I know the LGA 775 is already end of life, but so will be the new 1156 or AM3 sockets in a year max. And as it is I wont be upgrading probably. At max I may upgrade to a 6 Core Phenom after 1-2 years.

So guys, used Q9550 vs New Athlon 635 ???

Rest all stuff (Cabinet CM 430 +SMPS vx 550 +Graphics Card HD6850) will be common.

If you are getting the C2Q 9550 and 4 GB DDR2 in a very good price, then you can actually go for it. Performance wise C2Q 9550 is on the per with Phenom II 965 because of its large L2 Cache.
If you are getting the package within 10-11k then I think it is a good deal indeed.
For LGA 775 based mobo, you can go for Gigabyte G41M-COMBO. This board is an unique one as it supports both DDR2 and DDR3 ram. It has 2 DDR2 slots for max 8 GB and 2 DDR3 slots for max 8 GB 1333/1600 MHz DDR3.
So upgradation in future will be little easier. Price is 2.6k


Broken In
@Cilus --> Thanks for the suggestion. Even I saw this MOBO on the Delta Peripherasls price list. Hopefully can get one locally in Hyderabad too.

how much should a Intel Stock HSF cost for the Core 2 Quad ?? New or used ??


ASUS P5G41C-M LX (DDR2 or DDR3 as reqd, EPU for power saving, all solid caps, Anti-Surge protection, Express Gate, ...)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Approx 2.5K iirc.

Also the SATA ports are located near the lower edge of the pcb.
Seems very unlikely that SATA ports might get blocked in case one wants add a good gfx card (with dual slot cooler).

CM Hyper TX3- not my fave but ok for the price i feel
If you are not overclocking and need something stock or stock-like, check if you can find this or something similar>
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Broken In
Thanks Pegasus....

How are the original intel motherboards .. G31 or G41 chipsets .. i donno exact names compared to these Asus/Gigabyte ones ??

I know that I loose quite a lot of overclocking features right ? But at stock conditions which motherboards are better ?


Broken In
Hey Guys. Purchased a few things yesterday Locally
NZXT Gamma - 2250 (Shocked to find it @ Hyderabad. Question here is what minimum fans to get now for decent cooling?)
LG SATA DVD Writer - 950 (Doesnt have any LG marking except the sticker)
Gigabyte G41m-Combo Motherboard - 2300

HD 6850 is still not available here. Will need to wait for that. Zotac GTX 460 price 1GB seems to have come down to 11.5 as well.

Didnt get the Corsair VX 550 (the guy said he can get but in few days but @ 5000). Is that price good? Are there any alternatives?
There seems to be a Corsair GS 600 available at near that price too.

Regarding the CPU cooler, got a few options. Stock Intel Cooler @ 450 (the box says Core2Duo). Will the cooling and noise be fine for Core2Quad?
Apart from this getting the CM 212+ (donno if thermal compound comes along) and Scythe Katana 3 (seems to have a little thermal compund) @ around 2000-2200, i forgot which is which. Which one is better for overclocking?


CM 212+ goes for Rs1800 incl tax in bangalore will get a small amt of thermal compound,i got with my cheap TX3 :)


Broken In
Hey guys ... which will be better ??
MSI 6850 (11.5k) vs Sapphire 6850 (11.something .. yet to get pricing. I guess a little cheaper around 11.2k) ????

Or is there still some better card than this in similar price ?? Like some GTX 460 ??


Go for either MSI or Sapphire..both r reputed brands!!
6850 is better than 460 in gamin.So go for 6850!!


Broken In
Hey Guys, thanks for all the help so far. I bought all the stuff and now am having problems

Please HELP Me.. The PC Details:
CPU - Intel Q9550
Mbd - Gigabyte GA G41M-Combo
Ram - 4BG DDR2 800MHz Running in Dual Channel Mode
Gfx - MSI Radeon HD 6850
PSU - Corsair vx 550
OS's Tried : Both XP and Win7 32 bit

The problem is before the graphics card everything was fine with the onboard graphics. Yesterday I purchased the gfx card and put in in the mobo and booted with monitor (LD - Benq G2421) connected to one of the DVI ports. The system started in vga mode with no drivers. I installed drivers (latest Catalyst drivers) and later tried with the display Drivers in the CD as well. Drivers installed and restarted the machine. The Windows boot logo came and after the animation when the login screen comes, showed a blank screen (the monitor did not indicate the cable is not getting input) and then nothing happens.

You can start the system in VGA mode (by pressing F8 while boot), it boots fine. As soon as I try to increase the resolution it immediately shows the blank screen. Pressing ESC does not help after that (ie to cancel the change in resolution) indicating perhaps the system is stuck.

All restarts, both OS's, fresh OS install, both supplied and downloaded drivers, all have the same issue. I tried with the DVI cable, with a D-Sub cable (with converter in the gfx card), and with an old CRT monitor, tried both the DVI outputs too. Same problem :( :(

Looked in the bios too and checked that Onboard VGA is set to "Enable If No Ext PEG". PEG here is PCI Express Graphics. Also tried the Always Enable option. (There is no disable option). Doesnt make much of a difference.

The motherboard is PCI-E 1.0/1.1 (not sure which) and the card is PCI-E 2.1. I know it shouldnt make any difference but cud there be a remote chance ??

The motherboard is a latest one (in terms of manufacturing date, only a few months old as per the sticker) and seems to have a fairly recent bios.

Please help me :(
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