Hey Guys, thanks for all the help so far. I bought all the stuff and now am having problems
Please HELP Me.. The PC Details:
CPU - Intel Q9550
Mbd - Gigabyte GA G41M-Combo
Ram - 4BG DDR2 800MHz Running in Dual Channel Mode
Gfx - MSI Radeon HD 6850
PSU - Corsair vx 550
OS's Tried : Both XP and Win7 32 bit
The problem is before the graphics card everything was fine with the onboard graphics. Yesterday I purchased the gfx card and put in in the mobo and booted with monitor (LD - Benq G2421) connected to one of the DVI ports. The system started in vga mode with no drivers. I installed drivers (latest Catalyst drivers) and later tried with the display Drivers in the CD as well. Drivers installed and restarted the machine. The Windows boot logo came and after the animation when the login screen comes, showed a blank screen (the monitor did not indicate the cable is not getting input) and then nothing happens.
You can start the system in VGA mode (by pressing F8 while boot), it boots fine. As soon as I try to increase the resolution it immediately shows the blank screen. Pressing ESC does not help after that (ie to cancel the change in resolution) indicating perhaps the system is stuck.
All restarts, both OS's, fresh OS install, both supplied and downloaded drivers, all have the same issue. I tried with the DVI cable, with a D-Sub cable (with converter in the gfx card), and with an old CRT monitor, tried both the DVI outputs too. Same problem
Looked in the bios too and checked that Onboard VGA is set to "Enable If No Ext PEG". PEG here is PCI Express Graphics. Also tried the Always Enable option. (There is no disable option). Doesnt make much of a difference.
The motherboard is PCI-E 1.0/1.1 (not sure which) and the card is PCI-E 2.1. I know it shouldnt make any difference but cud there be a remote chance ??
The motherboard is a latest one (in terms of manufacturing date, only a few months old as per the sticker) and seems to have a fairly recent bios.
Please help me