There are many YouTube channels which uploads parody.. This Shudh Desi Ending is best among them.Don't know about an movie but this is entertaining.
Sacrifice (2016) - 9/10.
Plot Summary:Sacrifice is a story of how women in Shetlands Islands are murdered after giving birth to their 1st born for a ritual which has been followed since several hundred years.
Sacrifice (2016) - IMD
This should be 10/10. Had just watched it yesterday and i'm still thinking about it.
This is a must watch movie ever
Ohh what a waste of HT... People download Blu-ray disk 20 GB+ single movie. Idk what they do after watching. I tried 7-8 gb movie download but it took so much time i deleted without watching it.. Hahaha
Bhai tune 1st line padhi...bhai jab ghar pe badi se TV ho aur uske matching Home Theater ho then it makes sense to get a good rip.
Everybody has his own pregorative why do you want to comment on how the bandwidth is used.
True cause story wise DC comics are far better than MarvelsMy view.
DC has very good concept of superheroes but not executed well..
Marvel has not that good concept of superhero but executed well..
D**k ch*d...BC or MC suna hai. Yeh DC kya hai?
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BC or MC suna hai. Yeh DC kya hai?
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Whats there to waste ??? a 5GB movie takes max 15-20 min to download for me bro .....(Where r u??)...
The only reason I do not download abouve 5GB is FUP, coz I also use a lot of Netflix/Amazon Prime and also downlaod TV series 1GB rip minium per episode have to manage my 100 GB FUP ...... how is it a wase of HT I dont understand ..... infact whats the co relation between the two .... please explain me ...
Sorry ! I meant captain America: civil war.Whats there to waste ??? a 5GB movie takes max 15-20 min to download for me bro .....(Where r u??)...
The only reason I do not download abouve 5GB is FUP, coz I also use a lot of Netflix/Amazon Prime and also downlaod TV series 1GB rip minium per episode have to manage my 100 GB FUP ...... how is it a wase of HT I dont understand ..... infact whats the co relation between the two .... please explain me ...
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I didnt get you to begin with, so that I could have agreed. A 5GB rip (1080p) with DTS sound looks stunning on my HT. Plus as I explained, even though I have a good bandwidth, I still have a limited FUP, so have to manage. 4-5 GB rip is the avg I download even for casual drama movies ....... for something like avangers, or even Jupiter Ascending 7-8GB is the average, movies like star wars triligoy I have 10GB rip with DTS MA sound. And finaly movies like AVATAR and Saving Private Ryan, Transformers 1, Star Trek 1, which are like visual bliss or sound heven I purchased full Bluray Disk ........ So the size depends what kinds of movie I wanna enjoy ...hope that make things clear ....
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Infinity wars ????? They are supposed to be release in 2018 and 19 respectively ...
Comics hai uncleBC or MC suna hai. Yeh DC kya hai?
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