Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Aspiring Novelist
One of my friend watched "Amazing Spider-Man" and his comment was "Not as expected, super hero movie fans and Kids may like this film".


One of my friend watched "Amazing Spider-Man" and his comment was "Not as expected, super hero movie fans and Kids may like this film".

Yeah that was what I had been hearing. Some say its just a reboot from another vision, some say its more like a Spiderman-Twilight, some (obviously fanboys) say its awesome. I'll probably go watch it this tuesday, IMAX!! :D


Brake(2012) : Its a nice movie , with lots of unexpected scenes.Its about a kidnapped Secret service agent.(7.5/10)

ContraBand(2012) : Yet another nice movie , based on plot of drugs,crime and smuggling.

RedTails(2012) : Based on somewhat a real story about Black Americaan soldiers.You will love this war movie. (8/10)

The Grey(2012) : Aftermath of a airplane accident somewhere in Alaska I think.Battle for survival . Good inspirational movie.(7.25/10)

This Means War(2012) : Humour and fun. Two CIA agents accidently fall in love with the same girl , after which they try to screw each other's A&& to get the gal. A good movie for the weekends specially.

Act OF Valor(2012 ) : To me it was one of the best movies release dthis year.It displays the life of soldiers and warriors , who lost their life serving their country.A must watch for army-action lovers.

John Carter(2012) : Its actually a martian fiction movie.The fantasy was considerably nice.
Would rate it for (6.5/10).

I saw them past week. Enjoyed all of them.


John Carter was fun. Not sure why the critics or people didn't like it. Yeah there was nothing extraordinary in the movie, but I never felt bored anywhere. Pixar directors are great at balancing movies perfectly :)


John Carter was fun. Not sure why the critics or people didn't like it. Yeah there was nothing extraordinary in the movie, but I never felt bored anywhere. Pixar directors are great at balancing movies perfectly :)

It actually had everything in balanced amount , and there was nothing extraordinary in it.It was simple and sober but still it contained decent amount of fun and enjoyment.
Well after all this is based on a book called Princess of mars , written around a century ago.
Its voted 6.8/10 on IMDb ,so its definitely a good movie. I personally don't always leap towards critics reviews while watching fiction movies.
Don't watch in a serious mood though. :)::thumbs:


Not just the critics, but the over all performance as well. John Carter was the biggest flop for Disney this gen. If they ever make a sequel, I hope they market it well.


Human Spambot
Amazing Spider-Man 6.5/10, repeated story, there was few action are fine, nothing appealing.

wat else do you expect...its anyways a reboot..... :p

watched 'Amazing Spiderman'....I would say the story was inline with the original...felt some parts the movie were fast forwarded...the special effects are amazing...action sequences are gr8...good acting by everyone....but along the end of the lost track...went from amazing to funny and then wtf.....didn't like the end...could have been better...but all in all for fanboy like me...its a good movie 7/10

English ko itna complicate kyun karte ho yaar?

kya complication hai ballak :D


Kahaani - 7.2/10. There are some flaws here and there.Acting, except for one or two scenes, was top notch and thank goodness there were no songs. The things i didn't like were the following
1.Rana picks locks in 2 seconds, wtf?.
2.Vidya types ipconfig in cmd and zOMG the website is hacked.
3.In the scene were Vidya stabbed Milan, she looked as if she were a trained assassin.
4.The movie was slow occassionally.I had to fast-forward it sometimes.


Kahaani - 7.2/10. There are some flaws here and there.Acting, except for one or two scenes, was top notch and thank goodness there were no songs. The things i didn't like were the following
1.Rana picks locks in 2 seconds, wtf?.
2.Vidya types ipconfig in cmd and zOMG the website is hacked.
3.In the scene were Vidya stabbed Milan, she looked as if she were a trained assassin.
4.The movie was slow occassionally.I had to fast-forward it sometimes.

Yes it was a pretty decent movie , and for me it was one of the few Bollywood movies I saw in past couple of years. :)

Btw ,
Thank god atleast he picked the lock , in bollywood you will usually see them broken by blow of hand. I have heard of Rajnikant too . :p

2.Vidya types ipconfig in cmd and zOMG the website is hacked.
Atleast they should have used Tracert instead.
Using ipconfig for hacking a remote server ....ahaha.

Vidhya married and lived with a Special service Agent, also she was trained a little bit by Ompuri , I guess.But that shouldn't make her a killing machine :p hehe ,


Democracy is a myth
If you have watched a movie fast forwarding, you are not eligible to criticize it. Because you have not let it create the environment it wanted to create.


If you have watched a movie fast forwarding, you are not eligible to criticize it. Because you have not let it create the environment it wanted to create.

I fast-forwarded 3 or 4 times and that too for 5 or 6 secs because i thought those scenes were going to last too long. And what i did wasn't exactly fast-forwarding, just increased the playback speed. And i did that because no 'environment' was being created. The movie was a bit slow, that's all i wanted to say.
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