Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Conversation Architect
its a rohit shetty film..would be a masala film..maybe kids would like it..
i m wondering how they changed the movie plot as it revolves around chetan bhagat's novel : Two states.

chennai express is Two States?? :rofl: :lol:

you are misinformed :D


Firecracker to the moon
How Chennai Express will reach the 100 crore club
It's releasing on 8th i.e EID-They will have around 6-8 shows per theather-It will be housefull-Wolah


Chillum Baba
^^ Added to the list. Avoided reading your review. will read after I watch it, probably tomorrow.

Crazy stupid love - Good romantic comedy.


its a rohit shetty film..would be a masala film..maybe kids would like it..
i m wondering how they changed the movie plot as it revolves around chetan bhagat's novel : Two states.

How Chennai Express will reach the 100 crore club
It's releasing on 8th i.e EID-They will have around 6-8 shows per theather-It will be housefull-Wolah

Watched The Wolverine yesterday. it was 8.5/10 for me.

I'll rather watch Elysium‎ OR 2 Guns‎ OR Kick-ass 2 next instead of any SRK movie.


Chillum Baba
Trance - Same thoughts as stated by Sam. Loved it. To add to it, lovely OST and backgroud score. Few goofups but it's okay for a masala movie.


Pacific Rim 8/10

Pretty cool stuff if you are a mecha fan, the backstory is very nicely fleshed out, the robots have their own personalities and overall there is enough to keep you interested even besides the awesome fighting action.


Lost in speed
Neram (2013) - IMDb - [Tamil movie]
- Movie about how a man go high in good times, and kneel down in bad times with full of comedy + suspense

Here's the vague storyline from IMDb, for people who don't know tamil and want to know what this movie is all about..
The lead character Vettri (Nivin) is a nomad in search of a job after being fired from a bankrupt multinational. He borrows some money from a local goon Vattiraja (Simhaa) for some family commitments and he is not able to repay it back on time. To pile up his troubles, his girlfriend Veni (Nazriya) runs away from home as her father does not acknowledge their love. To add fuel to the flare, his sister's husband demands the pending dowry to start over his new found business. All of these need to happen by 5pm in a single day and of course with little time left. If you think that's the end to all of Vettri's woes, no! There are plenty more which keep mounting his head, so will he successfully repay Vattiraja to escape his wrath? What happens to his love? How does he escape the police?


In the zone
Moon - 8/10
Gem of a film guys, thanks for recommending!
Environment was just EPIC in this film. The "Being all alone on a planet" feels
Director and Actor have done a great job.
This one shouldnt be missed!

Sinister - 5.8/10
Oh boy this was a scary movie for some :p
wont comment on this much!
you can skip this but it has few chills!

will watch Oblivion, Insidious and Crash in this week
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