Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Birthday's should be reserved for Re-watching the best movie for you! Not for experimenting on a new movie!

Just saying! :p

There's a saying if in doubt about taking any decision better to drop it. We were very skeptical about going for this. But finally took a plunge after reading couple of reviews from rotten tomatoes and other.


What surprised me was that, how can a director like Andrew Stanton who made some really wonderful masterpieces like Wall-E, Finding Nemo, and A Bug's Life....made this crap called John Carter. I bet the movie could have done well if it was animated only and stick to what the lore was about as the novel has a lot of fans, at least the Pixar/Disney could have saved the film.
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Democracy is a myth
Bittoo Boss 6/10

Till 10 minutes prior to climax it was a perfect cinema. Then the climax happened and totally wasted the nice environment it created.

A waste of nice efforts and good acting by unknown faces.
Worth a shot and beware of the climax. And that is the spoiler!


Gadget Freak
List of World War II films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Downfall -8.9/10
n April of 1945, Germany stands at the brink of defeat with the Russian and Ukranian Armies closing in from the west and south. In Berlin, capital of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler proclaims that Germany will still achieve victory and orders his Generals and advisers to fight to the last man. "Downfall" explores these final days of the Reich, where senior German leaders (such as Himmler and Goring) began defecting from their beloved Fuhrer, in an effort to save their own lives, while still others (Joseph Goebbels) pledge to die with Hitler. Hitler, himself, degenerates into a paranoid shell of a man, full of optimism one moment and suicidal depression the next. When the end finally does comes, and Hitler lies dead by his own hand, what is left of his military must find a way to end the killing that is the Battle of Berlin, and lay down their arms in surrender.
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Democracy is a myth
Wrath of the Titans 7/10

So the storyline goes like this "Zeus is captured by Hades and Ares, and Perseus must save him".
They took 1 hour 40 minutes, lots of VFX and cheezy "Captain Obvious" dialogs to show that to us.

Apart from the conversation part I enjoyed every bit of it. This is perfect BRay watch in big screen.

This movie is like a guilty pleasure, but at times you just want to enjoy things rather analyzing.

Chronicle 7/10

Sci-fi from a different angle. I liked it.

b/w 1000 check ins in with this movie :D

Anyone? Any comment on this movie ?
Turn Me On, Dammit! (2011) - IMDb

The Intouchables 8.5/10

What you write in memes??? "Faith in humanity restored"?! Isn't it. Well, watching this movie I would like to say "Faith in movies restored".

An awesome movie after a long time.
A simple story told in a very simple way but every frame touches you. The movie becomes live and real by its two leads who should take all the credit they deserve.

A must watch for every movie lover.


Democracy is a myth
Shanghai 7/10

Good political thriller. The difference is in presentation. We have always seen in such movie that in special situations things get dramatic...people get kidnapped, wife suicide, emotional blackmail, mental torture etc. But, Dibakar did not walk on those predictable premise, he kept things simple and straight. Maybe thats why it was unable to evoke sympathies for the characters, the impact of last scene also would be missed by most.

Good movie, less drama :p


Sorry folks this should go into must not watch movie thread but still wanted to warn someone if they plan to watch this.
Man this was one of it's kind. What kind of movie where they planning to make? I mean it was really too much.I would say AlienVsPredator will look like a classic in front of this.


Human Spambot
Pumping Iron...its documentary showing Arnold competing with other body builders...and man he is the king of kings in Body building. worth a watch
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