Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Human Spambot
Watched, Drive Angry. Oh!!! I will highly recommend it if you want FUN in a Non-Comedy film. Beside the FUN part the movie is bad like hell. Still for the FUN it gave me, I'd put it in to Must watch :)

Drive Angry 3D (2011) - IMDb


New Voyage
Buddy you might like it. Opinion varies, imo, 2012 is a full cartoon type movie, if John Cusack wasn't there it would be one of the greatest flop of all time I guess. If it already isn't :), again it's my op, don't take it personally.

Soon after 2012, 'Avatar' hit the theatres, so i lost the craze in watching 2012. yesterday, for the first time i watched it.

No logic in the concept, they blindly followed Mayans!

Finally, no hard feelings dude, lets move on!


The Power of x480
Staff member
In an attempt to finish IMDB's Top 50 Sci-Fi list, watched "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time". Nice animation and story. Loved the lead role of the girl.
A must watch movie for all Anime fans. 8.7/10!


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Well, you can start by watching the Top Animated movies at IMDb:
Top Rated "Animation" Titles


Democracy is a myth
Let The Right One In(Swedish) - 8/10
Pan's Labyrinth(Spanish) - 8.2/10
Cashback - 7.2/10

You have watched two of my fav movies here. Let The Right One In and Pan's Labrynth.

But, what do u make out of "Cashback". I did not get it. From cinematography its real good but I could not get its purpose.


Human Spambot
Watched 'Shor in the city'....i would say its a one time watch movie....some scenes are really funny...well movies is ok 6/10


But, what do u make out of "Cashback". I did not get it. From cinematography its real good but I could not get its purpose.

Well,for the first 15 minutes or so the movie felt like one that deserves an above 8 rating,but from then on it was part crap,part silly,part good and part confusing.A 7.2 rating only because i like movies that are not way too dramatic or tragic but still interesting.

BTW watched One Hour Photo - 8/10.

Again such a rating is because of the above mentioned reason.


Human Spambot
Battle: Los Angeles. Well I liked it, a Sci-Fi War movie is not an easy job to be done but it has been done pretty nicely.

Battle: Los Angeles (2011) - IMDb


Lets Do It!
Burn After Reading - 6/10.
Its a black comedy with a couple of twists. Didn't enjoy it much but some individual performances were good.
A History Of Violence - 6/10
Watched it cuz of 7.5 rating on imdb. Pretty straight forward film.


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Bruce Willis, is Awesome, in The Fifth Element! And movie is a MUST watch, for any sci-fi fan, like me.
Have to watch Children of men! TFS.


In the Zone
Get Him to the Greek (2010) - IMDb
I didn't like the movie when i first watched it but when i came across it for the second time it looked awesome
I think this movie is somehow connected to the movie Forgetting Sarah marshall
And yeah the soundtrack too was awesome:D
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