Kinda off-topic but what software do u guys use to manage your movie/DVD collection.?
I have a huge collection of movies and i am looking around for a software that i can use to manage it..
Griffith - media collection managerMovie Catalogue
Griffith - media collection manager
Griffith - Download
It gets all kind of details from IMDB and other sites.
Thanks Rahim for helping me remember it. Yes, Griffith is one such tool.
But you can enter names of the movies manually, or import from a csv file. After that you can press a button to get information from IMDB. It is this process which is most time consuming. After you press the button, it can take upto 25 sec to fetch the list of movies which closely resembles the name you have entered. After selecting the movie which we desire, it can take upto another half a minute to get the info about that movie. Ya, this sucks, cause if you have a lot of movies, it can take many man hours.
Even after the info about the movie is done fetching, I dont know why, but it fails to update the year of the movie, and that too you have to enter manually.
Second tool which I then tried is, Coollector. www <dot> softsea <dot> com/review/Coollector.html
Which was a great software, as it is like having an offline backup of entire IMDB!
You can download Griffith and try other such softwares to manage your collection, from this page: www <dot> techsupportalert <dot> com/best-free-dvd-collection-software.htm, And give us your own verdict about which one is better in managing a large number of collection.
(Links posted inserting <dot> because I was unable to post them otherwise. If anybody can explain why this occurs sometimes, it would be appreciated.)
PVD Site said:With Personal Video Database you can catalog your movie collection fast and easy. Thought-out user interface and different database management function make it easy to create and manage big movie databases. Powerful filtering, grouping and sorting help you find movies very fast.
The program is expandable with plugins. There are already plenty of plugins included with the installation that can help you retrieve movie information from different internet movie databases or other database formats.
^^ The background score of Silent Hill takes the movie to another level.
^^ I was thinking to give the movie a try, but mixed comments on IMDB made me confused dispite of it having a very unexpected high 7.7 rating ...... complete and report how it went ........ Compare it with REC if you have to as Cloverfield and BWP both were just ok for me .....
I prefer online cataloging rather than any media indexing application that fetches data from NET. Best online cataloging is usually based on IMDB and so all you do is enter the IMDB URL and the application fetches all the data in seconds ...... one such tool I discussed before was icheckmovies
Not to mention the atmosphere that it creates for the whole spooky back-drop of the story.^^ The background score of Silent Hill takes the movie to another level.
I wanted to catch up with it as well. I saw the trailer and it seemed mildly interesting. Let us know the final verdict.Started watching The troll hunter, a Norwegian movie at 2am last night. The movie is somewhat like Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. I guess I was too tired last night. So had to stop it in the middle, which I hate to do. Can't wait to get back to it, probably tonight. 7.7 rating looks a bit high to me. Still, the movie is worth a watch from what I have seen so far.
Not to mention the atmosphere that it creates for the whole spooky back-drop of the story.
Watch Darkness Falls and Dead Silence.& the Boogeyman :eeksign: